• Loss of institutional memory about serials/database relationships. • ARL privilege = reactive response to cuts. • Lost access to the Freedom Collection, a package of about 2k titles • Me: “Great! I’ll uncheck the box in Serials Solutions for that database.”
important to develop a solution with these goals in mind: 1. Should be portable to other libraries with Serials Solutions. 2. Use tools available to most library workers. 3. Free, with well supported communities like OpenRefine, MARCEdit, or similar. 4. Workflow contained within a single department/person.
was “heavily customized, use ScienceDirect database and not the smaller Freedom Collection.” • This means staff were previously checking thousands of titles by hand between the knowledge base and the titles list attached to our license, and adding them manually to the ScienceDirect database in Serials Solutions.
or use VIB-BIT extension. • Dates by far the biggest issue, because Serials Solutions rejects KBART formatted dates. • value.toString() • value.replace('Jan ', '01/').replace('Feb ', '02/')…. • Change headers to match ODSE
15 minutes but you can send me your questions at: agalvan@brown.edu • Full steps and JSON available at asgalvan.com following #alaac18 • Cassie Schmitt for this post on dates in OpenRefine: https://icantiemyownshoes.wordpress.com/2014/04/24/clean-up- dates-and-openrefine/ • LITA/PLA AvramCamp for supporting my attendance.