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Running Puppet in Docker

Running Puppet in Docker

A talk from PuppetConf 2016 about the various Puppet/Docker integrations including building Docker images with Puppet, container inventory and running Puppet on container platforms. Lots of demos available at https://gist.github.com/garethr/dd596989218ae8ef4b17a3ed93d1b3dd

Gareth Rushgrove

October 21, 2016

More Decks by Gareth Rushgrove

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  1. (without introducing more risk) Running Puppet in Docker Puppet Gareth

    Rushgrove Demos of using Puppet Software with Containers
  2. - Existing Docker support - Puppet Images on Docker Hub

    - Puppet on Hyper_ and Kubernetes - Managing CoreOS and Photon OS - Building Docker images with Puppet - Inventory your containers Gareth Rushgrove
  3. 995 commits, 137 contributors, 750k+ Forge downloads, 3.5 years old,

    supported for PE customers Gareth Rushgrove
  4. (without introducing more risk) We went to the Puppet Forge,

    looked at the Docker module, and it really fit pretty much every need that we had. It handled our image versions, it handled our runtime configurations, links of dependencies, and it packaged it all in a really nice init.d script. Chris Buckley, director of DevOps, Business Insider Gareth Rushgrove “ ”
  5. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Configure Docker class {

    'docker': tcp_bind => 'tcp://', socket_bind => 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock', version => '1.11', dns => '', }
  6. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Run Docker containers docker::run

    { 'helloworld': image => 'ubuntu:precise', command => '/bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world }
  7. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Manage networks docker_network {

    'my-net': ensure => present, driver => 'overlay', subnet => '', gateway => '', ip_range => '', }
  8. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Setup UCP class {

    'docker_ucp': controller => true, version => '1.0.0', tracking => false, swarm_scheduler => 'binpack', preserve_certs => true, docker_socket_path => '/var/run/docker.sock', license_file => '/etc/docker/subscription.lic', }
  9. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Rancher class { 'docker':

    } class { 'rancher::server': } class { 'rancher': registration_url => agent_address => $::ipaddress_eth1, }
  10. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Run Puppet in Docker

    $ docker run --name apply-test \ puppet/puppet-agent \ apply -e 'file { "/tmp/adhoc": \ content => "Written by Puppet"' $ docker diff apply-test
  11. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Puppet Server in Docker

    $ docker run --net puppet \ --name puppet \ --hostname puppet \ puppet/puppetserver
  12. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Launch with Compose version:

    '2' services: puppet: container_name: puppet hostname: puppet image: puppet/puppetserver ports: - 8140 volumes: - ./code:/etc/puppetlabs/code/
  13. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Access the host from

    the container $ docker run --rm --privileged \ -v /tmp:/tmp --net host \ -v /etc:/etc -v /var:/var \ -v /usr:/usr -v /lib64:/lib64 \ puppet/facter
  14. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Detect Photon OS with

    facter $ docker run $FLAGS puppet/facter os { architecture => "x86_64", family => "RedHat", hardware => "x86_64", name => "PhotonOS", release => { full => "1.0", major => "1", minor => "0" }, selinux => {
  15. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Detect TDNF packages $

    docker run $FLAGS puppet/puppet-agent resource package ... package { 'xml-security-c': ensure => '1.7.3-2.ph1', provider => 'tdnf', } package { 'xz': ensure => '5.2.2-2.ph1', provider => 'tdnf', } package { 'zlib': ensure => '1.2.8-3.ph1',
  16. Building Docker images with Puppet should be as simple as

    building them with docker build Gareth Rushgrove
  17. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Building with Dockerfile $

    ls Dockerfile $ docker build . -t garethr/someimage
  18. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Building with Puppet $

    ls Puppetfile manifests $ puppet docker build \ --image-name garethr/someimage
  19. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Extensions for Dockerfile FROM

    ubuntu:16.04 MAINTAINER Gareth Rushgrove "gareth@puppet.com" ENV PUPPET_AGENT_VERSION="1.6.2" \ R10K_VERSION="2.2.2" \ UBUNTU_CODENAME="xenial" PUPPET_INSTALL PUPPET_COPY_PUPPETFILE PUPPET_COPY_MANIFESTS manifests PUPPET_RUN manifests/nginx.pp
  20. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Inventory any host $

    puppet inventory | jq { "schema_version": 1, "created": "2016-09-26T16:17:36Z", "resources": [ { "title": "root", "resource": "group", "gid": 0 }, {
  21. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Run against other containers

    $ docker run --name puppet-inventory \ puppet/puppet-inventory $ docker run --rm -it \ —volumes-from=puppet-inventory \ centos \ /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet inventory
  22. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Use jq to query

    $ docker exec sample cat /inventory.json \ | jq -c '.resources[] \ | select(.resource=="user")' \ | jq -s length 23
  23. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Search in BigQuery SELECT

    resources.title AS package, resources.versions AS version, facts.hostname AS hostname, facts.operatingsystem AS operatingsystem FROM inventory.sample WHERE resources.resource="package" AND resources.title="openssl"
  24. Still lots of interesting problems, and solutions, to explore around

    using Docker in production Gareth Rushgrove
  25. (without introducing more risk) Gareth Rushgrove Follow Project Blueshift for

    more solutions in this area https://puppet.com/product/managed-technology/blueshift