more frivolous, or both?” Wiser: fewer lumps and splits over time as taxonomic understanding stabilizes. More frivolous: a stable number of lumps and splits over time.
equipment and species definitions, leading to better criteria. The authors testing, validating and overturning taxonomic hypotheses. The time taken for new hypotheses to be recognized and accepted. Logos: inaturalist-org/inaturalist-logo-full/ Cover of Checklist of North American birds from: Bebber et al, 2007: F1.expansion.html
J., Harris, S. A., and Scotland, R. W. 2007. Predicting unknown species numbers using discovery curves. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274:1651-1658. Costello, M. J., May, R. M., and Stork, N. E. 2013a. Can we name earth's species before they go extinct? Science 339:413-416. Costello, M. J., Wilson, S., and Houlding, B. 2013b. More taxonomists describing significantly fewer species per unit effort may indicate that most species have been discovered. Systematic Biology. Coues, E. 1872. Key to North American birds. doi:10.5962/ bhl.title.38863