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React'ive Saturday – 7 advices for web app architecture

React'ive Saturday – 7 advices for web app architecture

Alexey Volkov, Frontend Architect, Rumble, Tel Aviv

У доповіді буде розглянуто ряд принципів і просто хороших практик, які допоможуть вам в архітектурі веб-додатків. Ми не будемо прив’язуватися до конкретних фреймворків та бібліотек, а поговоримо про саму сутність речей.

GDG Cherkasy

November 18, 2017

More Decks by GDG Cherkasy

Other Decks in Programming


  1. GOOD DEVELOPER — LAZY DEVELOPER Good programmers spend 90% of

    their time thinking, researching Bad programmers spend 90% of their time debugging code by randomly making changes and seeing if they work
  2. Module • Single-purpose piece of an application • Has a

    very limited knowledge of what’s going on in the rest of the system • Encapsulates “private” logic and state • Exposes public API
  3. AMD define(['jquery', 'my-module'], function($, myModule) { // Do something with

    $ and myModule... // Export a function return function doSomething() { // ... }; });
  4. CommonJS var $ = require('jquery'); var myModule = require('my-module'); //

    Do something with $ and myModule... // Export a function module.exports = function doSomething() { // ... };
  5. ES Modules import $ from 'jquery'; import myModule from 'my-module';

    // Do something with $ and myModule... // Export a function export default function doSomething() { // ... };
  6. Singleton with private and public methods function privateMethod() { }

    export default { publicMethodA: function() { }, publicMethodB: function() { }, };
  7. Factory function privateMethod() { } export default function factory() {

    let privateProperty; return { publicMethodA: function() { }, publicMethodB: function() { } } }
  8. Syntax sugar export default class { constructor() { // Do

    something } publicMethodA() { } publicMethodB() { } }
  9. jQuery module jQuery.fn.extend({ check: function() { }, uncheck: function() {

    } }); // =========== $( "input[type='checkbox']" ).check();
  10. Angular 1.x angular.module('myModule', []). config(function(injectables) { // This is an

    example of config block. }). run(function(injectables) { // This is an example of a run block. });
  11. Angular 2+ import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector:

    'app-root', template: '<h1>{{title}}</h1>', }) export class AppComponent { title = 'Minimal NgModule'; }
  12. Ember import Component from '@ember/component'; import { computed } from

    '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; export default Component.extend({ store: service(), property: computed(function() { return 'myprop'; }) });
  13. React import {Component} from 'react'; export default class Hello extends

    Component { render() { return <h1> Hello, {this.props.name}</h1>; } }
  14. Mail app example Modules • Folders list • Messages list

    • Message pane ◦ Regular message ◦ Invitation ◦ Air ticket
  15. "The secret to building large apps is never build large

    apps. Break your apps into small pieces. Then, assemble those testable, bite-sized pieces into your big application" Justin Meyer, author JavaScriptMVC
  16. How do you work with data? • Do you create

    XMLHttpRequest in each module? • Or you prefer to create a kinda data layer? • What if you need to support offline mode? Yet another level of abstration
  17. Mediators are used when the communication between modules may be

    complex, but is still well defined. If it appears a system may have too many relationships between modules in your code, it may be time to have a central point of control, which is where the pattern fits in.
  18. Mail app example When you need a mediator • Message

    removing from the message list or from the message reader pane • Displaying a quantity of unread messages in the folders list or in the messages list
  19. Folders list (module) • Displays folders • Changes the currently

    selected folder Messages list (module) • Displays messages list • Changes the currently selected message • Removes a message Message pane (module) • Displays a message • Removes a message Core (mediator) Data layer (core module) • getFoldersList() • selectFolder() • getMessagesList() • selectMessage() • getMessage() • removeMessage()
  20. Folders list (module) • Displays folders • Changes the currently

    selected folder Messages list (module) • Displays messages list • Changes the currently selected message • Removes a message • Search Message pane (module) • Displays a message • Removes a message Core (mediator) Data layer (core module) • getFoldersList() • selectFolder() • getMessagesList() • selectMessage() • getMessage() • removeMessage() • searchMessages()
  21. Think long term • Don’t bind your entire life (your

    app’s life) with some framework or library • Isolate 3rd-party dependencies • Can you reuse your modules in your other applications?
  22. The key is to acknowledge from the start that you

    have no idea how this will grow. When you accept that you don't know everything, you begin to design the system defensively. You identify the key areas that may change, which often is very easy when you put a little bit of time into it. For instance, you should expect that any part of the app that communicates with another system will likely change, so you need to abstract that away." Nicholas Zakas, author 'High-performance JavaScript websites'
  23. Bad practises • Abstraction around abstraction. For instance, wrapper for

    jQuery • Large solid app vs. infinite number of granular modules • Spending too much time on architecture
  24. You need an architecture for not to implement all design

    patterns you know, but to solve the real business issues
  25. 09.05.XX First version: Folders, messages 09.17.XX + Archive + Search

    10.13.XX + Special messages (invitations, tickets etc) 10.20.XX + Calendar integration 11.01.XX + Smart templates for answers
  26. Learn Review someone else’s code Frameworks, libraries, pull requests Look

    and listen to smart people World-level conferences, podcasts Read wise books Design patterns, best practices
  27. Recommended smart guys • Addy Osmani • Eric Elliott •

    Nicholas Zakas • Paul Irish • Dan Abramov • Pete Hunt • Martin Fowler
  28. Recommended conventions • JSConf (around the globe) • Google I/O

    (San Francisco) • ReactJS Conf (San Francisco) • Frameworks days (Kyiv)