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Software Performance: An Overview

Software Performance: An Overview

What is Performance?
Algorithmic Complexity
Memory Hierarchy
Server Performance
Measuring Performance

George V. Reilly

January 21, 2016

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  1. Agenda • What is Performance? • Algorithmic Complexity • Caching

    • Memory Hierarchy • Server Performance • Concurrency • Measuring Performance • Scalability
  2. Not Discussing • Performance Tuning • Database Performance • Web

    Performance • Python Performance • C/C++ Performance • High-Performance Teams
  3. What is Performance? • Efficiency: Doing More With Less •

    It’s Better Than Before! • Responsiveness
  4. Low Utilization of Resources • Less Time (CPU Cycles) •

    Less Memory (RAM) • Less Storage (Disk) • Less Power (Battery) • Less Contention (Locks) • Don’t do something more than once
  5. Layer Inefficiencies Compound • Inner loops are often 10–20 layers

    deep in call stack • If each layer has just 50% inefficiency, ten layers will experience 60x slowdown: 1.510 = 57.6 ◦ 100% inefficiency for 10 layers ⇒ 1000x slowdown: 210 = 1024 • If a lower level is inefficient, it affects all higher levels • A higher level may be calling an efficient lower level far too often
  6. Algorithmic Complexity: Big O • Many algorithms operate on N

    items. • Runtime (or space) is a polynomial function of N: c k Nk + c k-1 Nk-1 + … c 1 N + c 0 • We take the highest term, drop the constant c k , and say that the algorithm is O(Nk). • As N grows large, runtime draws asymptotically close to Nk • For smaller N, the constant factors matter.
  7. Algorithmic Complexity • O(1): constant time—addition, hash table lookup, …

    • O(log N): logarithmic—binary search, binary tree lookup • O(N): linear—search unordered list, vector addition, … • O(N log N): linearithmic—quicksort, etc • O(N2): quadratic—bubble sort, matrix addition, &c • O(N3): cubic—matrix multiplication • O(cN), c > 1: exponential—traveling salesman • N!: factorial—permutations and combinations
  8. Caching • Fundamental performance technique • Trade Space for Time

    • Store results to prevent recomputation/refetching • Caches used at all levels throughout system • Problems: ◦ Low cache hit rate; i.e., many cache misses ◦ Cache replacement policy; e.g., Least Recently Used ◦ Cache invalidation ◦ Using too much memory
  9. Case Study: Fibonacci • 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,

    13, 21, 34, 55, … • F n = F n-1 + F n-2 , F 2 = F 1 = 1 • F n ≈ φ n / √5 ◦ exponential ◦ φ = 1.618…, the Golden Ratio • Naive Recursive solution is prohibitively expensive ◦ Computing F n takes F n additions. • Iterative solution is linear • Cache is constant time (after initial calculation)
  10. Memory Hierarchy • L1, L2, L3 caches • Main Memory:

    DRAM • Virtual Memory—paging to disk when Working Set exceeded
  11. Event Latency Scaled 1 CPU Cycle 0.3 ns 1 sec

    Level 1 cache access 0.9 ns 3 secs Level 2 cache access 2.8 ns 9 secs Level 3 cache access 12.9 ns 43 secs Main memory access (DRAM, from CPU) 120 ns 6 mins Solid-State Disk I/O 50–150 µs 2–6 days Rotational Disk I/O 1–10ms 1–12 months Event Latency Scaled Internet: San Francisco to New York 40 ms 4 years Internet: SF to United Kingdom 81 ms 8 years Internet: SF to Australia 183 ms 19 years TCP Packet Retransmit 1–3 s 105–317 yrs OS virtualization system reboot 4 s 423 years SCSI Command Timeout 30 s 3 millennia Hardware virt. system reboot 40s 4 millennia Physical system reboot 5 min 32 millennia System Latency Source: Brendan Gregg, System Performance
  12. Server Performance • Throughput = # requests / request-time •

    Latency = end-to-end processing time • An assembly line is manufacturing cars. ◦ It takes 8 hours to manufacture a car ◦ The factory produces 120 cars per day ◦ Latency: 8 hours ◦ Throughput: 120 cars / day = 5 cars / hour
  13. Concurrency • Take advantage of multiple CPUs in a computer

    • Multiple threads or multiple processes • Problems ◦ Non-determinism ◦ Debugging ◦ Synchronization ◦ Serialization ◦ Lock and Resource Contention ◦ False Sharing
  14. Premature Optimization “Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about,

    or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.” — Donald Knuth
  15. Measuring Performance • < 4% of code takes > 50%

    runtime • Changes with high expectations often disappoint • Correctness is more important than efficiency • Metrics & Instrumentation • Logs • Profiling
  16. Scalability • Bigger Workloads • Not synonymous with Performance •

    Scale Up (Vertical) ◦ More CPUs, more RAM. ◦ You can’t buy (or afford) a 1,000,000-core system with petabyte RAM • Scale Out (Horizontal) ◦ Add more and more commodity machines • Bottlenecks • Scale Down ◦ Embedded systems ◦ More containers per host