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Chatbots. Old Topic - New Era

Chatbots. Old Topic - New Era

E.D.D.I is a platform for creating and maintaining chatbots. It has been intensively developed over six years and will be made open source on October 8, 2016. Contributions are welcomed, if you want to get in touch, contact details are on the last slide.
Speaker: Gregor Jarisch
Event: botmeetup #4
Location: Vienna

Gregor Jarisch

August 30, 2016

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Product Engineer @ Styria Digital Lab Inventing new Products –

    e.g. http://iwanna.help Former Startup-Up Founder Spoken Language System @ INiTS Developed a Framework for Virtual Assistants (= Chatbots) In love with awesome food & basketball & innovative concepts
  2. Messaging Platforms have opened up their APIs Everybody chats nowadays

    back then, only teenies on ICQ and Co. Why the fuck not… I kept telling people for years.. 
  3. There are 46 dead ends and at least 158 traps

    you can fall into… Everything that can speak must be intelligent From an evolutionary perspective, only humans could ever talk Bots as mainstream is new to people Since bots can talk, the expectations are sky high
  4. Decent UX with Chatbots is 100 times harder than with

    GUIs Simple Chatbots are simple to make A “smart” Chatbot takes a lot – the learning curve for developing is exponentially high Min. 80 % of all cases you are better off with an intuitive GUI
  5. So, NOPE – Chatbots won’t replace all Apps (who broad

    up that bullshit anyways?!), but they will replace all shitty apps that deal with cases in which humans prefer to communicate to humans… eventually.
  6. For once, Austria is not the last country to deal

    with new trends In fact, it looks like we are amongst the first pioneers If we all work separately, none of us has (a long term) chance BUT – if we work together, we could drive this future
  7. Let’s share knowledge, let’s share Code Rather than “Is it

    me winning or is it you..?” Let’s WIN TOGETHER! I will make the first step… ...and share our Framework & Knowledge
  8. developed with the focus on use in enterprise applications the

    ease of connecting it to other resources (such as databases or other Services) The most outstanding features are: it is highly extensible (plugins), very flexible in dialog structure and allows sharing of knowledge between bots
  9. Specs: Resource- / REST-oriented architecture Java 8 JAX-RS 2.0 Dependency

    Injection (Guice 4.1) Embedded Jetty 9.3 NoSQL (MongoDB 3.2) HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON
  10. Love the idea of changing the world together..? Wanna contribute

    or simple get in touch..? [email protected] facebook.com/gregor.jarisch E.D.D.I. is going open source on October 8, 2016 its 10 year anniversary