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Cloud Power your Android Apps (Cloud Developer Roadshow 2014)

Cloud Power your Android Apps (Cloud Developer Roadshow 2014)

In this deck we look at how to Cloud enable your Android applications through simple creation of a Cloud Backend. We also show how to extend your apps to support Android Wear. This deck was delivered during the Google Cloud Platform Developer Roadshow events in 2014.


August 21, 2014

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  1. Agenda Mobile applications need scalable back ends Using Cloud Backends

    Consuming Backends in an Android App Extending your App to your wrist with Android Wear 1 2 3 4
  2. Want to focus on your code Don't worry about load

    balancer configurations, CDNs, scaling...
  3. Mobile Backend Running on Google App Engine Instances Mobile Backend

    Running on Google App Engine Instances Backend running on Google App Engine instances Client libraries for your backend Cloud Endpoints Architecture
  4. Mobile Backend Running on Google App Engine Instances Mobile Backend

    Running on Google App Engine Instances Backend running on Google App Engine instances Client libraries for your backend Cloud Endpoints Architecture
  5. @Api(name = "myApi", version = "v1") public class MyEndpoint {

    /** A simple Endpoint that takes a name and says "Hi" back */ @ApiMethod(name = "sayHi") public MyBean sayHi(String name) { MyBean response = new MyBean(); response.setData("Hi, " + name); return response; } } MyEndpoint.java
  6. @Api(name = "myApi", version = "v1") public class MyEndpoint {

    /** A simple Endpoint that takes a name and says "Hi" back */ @ApiMethod(name = "sayHi") public MyBean sayHi(String name) { MyBean response = new MyBean(); response.setData("Hi, " + name); return response; } } MyEndpoint.java
  7. @Api(name = "myApi", version = "v1") public class MyEndpoint {

    /** A simple Endpoint that takes a name and says "Hi" back */ @ApiMethod(name = "sayHi") public MyBean sayHi(String name) { MyBean response = new MyBean(); response.setData("Hi, " + name); return response; } } MyEndpoint.java
  8. Mobile Backend Running on Google App Engine Instances Mobile Backend

    Running on Google App Engine Instances Backend running on Google App Engine instances Client libraries for your backend Cloud Endpoints Architecture
  9. Mobile Backend Running on Google App Engine Instances Mobile Backend

    Running on Google App Engine Instances Backend running on Google App Engine instances Client libraries for your backend Cloud Endpoints Architecture
  10. Mobile Backend Running on Google App Engine Instances Mobile Backend

    Running on Google App Engine Instances Backend running on Google App Engine instances Client libraries for your backend Cloud Endpoints Architecture
  11. Don't worry about "plumbing" Object serialization/deserialization, compression, SSL support; client

    library generation Networking, battery life, information security
  12. Scale unlimitedly as your needs grow Free to get started,

    has full power of Google App Engine: autoscaling, high-availability, multiple storage options. Speed and reliability
  13. Mobile Backend Running on Google App Engine Instances Mobile Backend

    Running on Google App Engine Instances Backend running on Google App Engine instances Client libraries for your backend Cloud Endpoints Architecture
  14. Recap Mobile applications need scalable back ends Using Cloud Backends

    Consuming Backends in an Android App Extending your App to your wrist with Android Wear 1 2 3 4
  15. End