I/O ’19 Extended in Korea Android
Android Q 부터 새로운 privacy 변경 사항 및 앱에 미치는 영향과 이를 어떻게 해결 하는지에 대해 알아봅니다.
- background app에 대한 새로운 제한사항
- 안드로이드 기기 고유 식별자 제한
= UUID(0x1077EFECC0B24D02L, -0x531cc3e1ad1d04b5L) /** * UUID for the ClearKey DRM scheme. * ClearKey is supported on Android devices running Android 5.0 (API Level 21) and up. */ val CLEARKEY_UUID = UUID(-0x1d8e62a7567a4c37L, 0x781AB030AF78D30EL) /** * UUID for the Widevine DRM scheme. * Widevine is supported on Android devices running Android 4.3 (API Level 18) and up. */ val WIDEVINE_UUID = UUID(-0x121074568629b532L, -0x5c37d8232ae2de13L) /** * UUID for the PlayReady DRM scheme. * PlayReady is supported on all AndroidTV devices. Note that most other Android devices do not */ val PLAYREADY_UUID = UUID(-0x65fb0f8667bfbd7aL, -0x546d19a41f77a06bL)
= UUID(0x1077EFECC0B24D02L, -0x531cc3e1ad1d04b5L) /** * UUID for the ClearKey DRM scheme. * ClearKey is supported on Android devices running Android 5.0 (API Level 21) and up. */ val CLEARKEY_UUID = UUID(-0x1d8e62a7567a4c37L, 0x781AB030AF78D30EL) /** * UUID for the Widevine DRM scheme. * Widevine is supported on Android devices running Android 4.3 (API Level 18) and up. */ val WIDEVINE_UUID = UUID(-0x121074568629b532L, -0x5c37d8232ae2de13L) /** * UUID for the PlayReady DRM scheme. * PlayReady is supported on all AndroidTV devices. Note that most other Android devices do not */ val PLAYREADY_UUID = UUID(-0x65fb0f8667bfbd7aL, -0x546d19a41f77a06bL)