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Projenize MongoDb ile Hız Katın

Projenize MongoDb ile Hız Katın

Geliştiricinin dostu MongoDB dünyasına giriş. Bir kaç tavsiye ve propaganda.

Hasan Tayyar BEŞİK

February 22, 2014

More Decks by Hasan Tayyar BEŞİK

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  1. NoSql? Nosql artan veri büyüklüğüne cevap verebilmesi için geliştirilmiş çeşitli

    veritabanı teknolojilerini kapsar. http://www.mongodb.com/learn/nosql
  2. Neden? Driver C, C++, C#, Go, Erlang, Java, Javascript, Node.js,

    Perl, Php, Python, Ruby, Scala, ColdFusion, D, Dart, Delphi, Fantom, F#, Lua, Matlab, Prolog, Opa, SmallTalk, R ...
  3. Kolay Kurulum $ w get ht t p: / /

    f ast dl . m ongodb. or g/ . . . . t gz
  4. İlk Insert $ . / bi n/ m ongo M

    ongoD B shel l versi on: 2. 4. 9 connect i ng t o: t est > use t est sw i t ched t o db t est > db. col 1. i nsert ( { "a" : 123, "b" : "stri ng" }) Önceden tablo tasarlamanıza ve db oluşturmanıza gerek yoktur.
  5. İlk Select > db. col 1. fi nd( ) {

    "_i d" : O bj ect I d( "5307e02b3f e8b5d0f 5e51038") , "a" : 123, "b" : "st ri ng" } > db. col 1. r em ove( {"a" : 123})
  6. Db, Collection, Document D atabase -> D b Tabl e

    -> Col l ecti on R ow -> D ocum ent
  7. Mutlu Firmalar "We considered a number of different options, including

    file-based and in memory caches, as well as key-value databases, but ultimately decided that a document database would best suits our needs. After evaluating several applications we chose MongoDB, due to its support of dynamic queries, full indexes, including inner objects and embedded arrays, as well as auto-sharding."