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はてなリモートインターンシップ2022 マイクロサービス 講義資料

December 19, 2022

はてなリモートインターンシップ2022 マイクロサービス 講義資料


December 19, 2022

More Decks by Hatena

Other Decks in Programming


  1. א׵א׵ئ٭لتכע service a system that provides something that the public

    needs, organized by the government or a private company Hatena REMOTE INTERNSHIP / ( ?) 
  2. עיםכُؕؠٞئ٭لت ˝ עיםך׵ُؕؠٞئ٭لت؅⮵榫׊יַױ׌ ˝ 鐐ꄋئ٭لت ˝ هٞءذء ˝ 嚀危㰢綗 ˝

    ز٭ّꝴךסظ٭ذס׷׽⹦׽ ˝ ؓوٛآ٭ب٘٤؅ُؕؠٞئ٭لتדׄך啶䡗׊יַ׾כַֹ׻׽յ釐碛釐碛؅ُ ؕؠٞئ٭لت⴫׊יַ׾ ˝ ؓوٛآ٭ب٘٤舅⛮עٓؿٛت؅┊㴩מ鷞榫׊יַ׾◄ֿ㛡ַ 
  3. 8 Fallacies of distributed computing ( 8 / ) -

    1994 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 7. 8. 
  4. CAP BASE 3 2 C: Consistency ( ) A: Availability

    ( P: Tolerance to network Partitions ( ) ( )CAP BASE Basically Available( ) Soft state( ) Eventually consistent( ) 
  5. ⫴璡䓪 1 1 1 /payment {"amount":300, "userAccount": "hoge"} /payment ID

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  6. 催מ㰢שמע CloudNative CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape The Amazon Builders'

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  7. : Istio istioctl install istioctl install !"set profile=demo !"context hatena-intern-2021

    kubectl label namespace hatena-intern-2021 istio- injection=enabled kubectl get namespace hatena-intern-2021 -o yaml istio-injection enabled 
  8. : Istio kubectl apply -f https:!"raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/ istio/release-1.7/samples/addons/kiali.yaml Kiali kubectl apply

    -f https:!"raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/ istio/release-1.7/samples/addons/prometheus.yaml Prometheus application istioctl dashboard kiali sign in admin:admin 
  9. : fault injection 攐㲊ס嚀耆מ䙫㍲氳מ䷚꤃؅氦榟׈׎י䏅ꮶ疗㍱؅鐧׬ױ׌ Injecting an HTTP abort fault renderer

    service ( Service Temporarily Unavailable) fault %age Kiali application blog service error message istio-proxy log "authority": "renderer-go:50051" response_flags 
  10. : fault injection renderer service response 5 Kiali application istio-proxy

    log response_flags kubectl delete virtualservices.networking.istio.io [໊લ] fault injection 