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Clojure for Machine Learning

Henry Garner
December 01, 2016

Clojure for Machine Learning

You have heard that Clojure’s ancestor language, Lisp, was developed for artificial intelligence research. Yet, until recently, Clojure’s support for machine learning has mostly consisted of wrapped Java libraries.

Informed by his work as a freelance data scientist working primarily with Clojure, Henry will explore some newer libraries that enable sophisticated data analysis unencumbered by Java’s legacy. You will also learn how Clojure’s core sequence-processing strengths naturally lend themselves to simple machine learning techniques you can try at home.

This presentation was first given at Clojure eXchange 2016

Henry Garner

December 01, 2016

More Decks by Henry Garner

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  1. “If you can convince an engineer they're doing machine learning,

    you can get them to do anything” Josh Wills, Director of Engineering at Slack
  2. “Data Scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than

    any so ware engineer and better at so ware engineering than any statistician.” Josh Wills, Director of Engineering at Slack
  3. H H T H T T H H H T

    H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H
  4. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

    50 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 Distribution over k
  5. (def trials {:trial-1 {:n 10 :k 5} :trial-2 {:n 20

    :k 10}} (defn bayes-bandit [trials] (let [score (fn [{:keys [n k]}] (sample-beta 1 :alpha (inc k) :beta (inc (- n k))))] (key (apply max-key (comp score val) trials))))
  6. BEWARE Ensure trials are independent Test users, not visits Has

    the variation been seen? Assigned variations may not be active variations Don't call too early Conversion may take a day or longer. Wait and see. Not a panacea A sensible prior will stabilise early fluctuations
  7. (def trials {:trial-1 {:n 10 :k 5} :trial-2 {:n 20

    :k 10}} (defn bayes-bandit [trials] (let [score (fn [{:keys [n k]}] (sample-beta 1 :alpha (inc (+ k 10)) :beta (inc (+ (- n k) 40))))] (key (apply max-key (comp score val) trials))))
  8. Init Step Complete (fn +' ([] 0) ;; init ([acc

    x] (+ acc x)) ;; step ([acc] acc)) ;; complete
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/datablog/2012/aug/07/olym 2012-athletes-age-weight-height {:sport "Swimming", :age 27, :sex "M", :birth-place "Towson

    (USA)", :name "Michael Phelps", :bronze 0, :birth-date "6/30/1985", :gold 2, :weight 88, :silver 2, :height 193}
  10. (require '[kixi.stats.core :as kixi]) (->> (data-source "athletes.txt") (transduce (map :height)

    kixi/mean)) ;; => 1603855/9038 (->> (data-source "athletes.txt") (transduce (map :height) kixi/standard-deviation)) ;; => 11.202506235734145
  11. (require '[kixi.stats.core :as kixi]) (def rf (kixi/correlation-matrix {:height :height :weight

    :weight :age :age})) (->> (data-source "athletes.txt") (transduce identity rf)) ;; {[:height :weight] 0.7602753595140576, ;; [:height :age] 0.0835619870171009, ;; [:weight :height] 0.7602753595140576, ;; [:weight :age] 0.1263794369985025, ;; [:age :height] 0.0835619870171009, ;; [:age :weight] 0.1263794369985025}
  12. (require '[kixi.stats.core :as kixi]) (def rf (kixi/correlation-matrix {:height :height :weight

    :weight :age :age})) (->> (data-source "athletes.txt") (transduce (filter swimmer?) rf)) ;; {[:height :weight] 0.8649145683086642, ;; [:height :age] 0.3011551185677323, ;; [:weight :height] 0.8649145683086642, ;; [:weight :age] 0.32150444584208426, ;; [:age :height] 0.3011551185677323, ;; [:age :weight] 0.32150444584208426}
  13. (require '[kixi.stats.core :as kixi]) (def rf (kixi/simple-linear-regression :height :weight)) (->>

    (data-source "athletes.txt") (transduce (filter swimmer?) rf)) ;; [-1286496024/11650283 11809306/11650283]
  14. http://www.topendsports.com/athletes/swimming/spitz- mark.htm (def fy :weight) (def fx :height) (def regression

    (kixi/simple-linear-regression fx fy)) (def data (filter swimmer? (data-source "athletes"))) (let [[b a] (transduce identity regression data) predict (fn [x] (double (+ (* a x) b)))] (predict 185)) ;; 77.09903579166274
  15. (def fy :weight) (def fx :height) (def estimate-error (kixi/standard-error-prediction fx

    fy 185)) (def data (filter swimmer? (data-source "athletes"))) (let [[b a] (transduce identity regression data) std-e (transduce identity estimate-error data) confidence-interval (fn [x] (let [estimate (double (+ (* a x) b))] [(- estimate (* std-e 1.94)) (+ estimate (* std-e 1.94))]))] (confidence-interval 185)) ;; [65.97046903896646 88.22760254435903]
  16. (def rf (fuse {:mean kixi/mean :sd kixi/standard-deviation})) (transduce (map :height)

    rf (data-source "athletes.txt")) ;; => {:mean 1603855/9038, :sd 11.202506235734145}
  17. R-SQUARE (defn residual [fy-hat fy] #(- (fy-hat %) (fy %)))

    (defn r-square [fy-hat fy] (pre-step kixi/variance (residual fy-hat fy)) (pre-step kixi/variance fy) )
  18. R-SQUARE (defn residual [fy-hat fy] #(- (fy-hat %) (fy %)))

    (defn r-square [fy-hat fy] (fuse {:var-e (pre-step kixi/variance (residual fy-hat fy)) :var-y (pre-step kixi/variance fy)}) )
  19. R-SQUARE (defn residual [fy-hat fy] #(- (fy-hat %) (fy %)))

    (defn r-square [fy-hat fy] (post-complete (fuse {:var-e (pre-step kixi/variance (residual fy-hat fy)) :var-y (pre-step kixi/variance fy)}) (fn [{:keys [var-e var-y]}] (- 1 (/ var-e var-y)))))
  20. R-SQUARE (def fy :weight) (def fx :height) (def regression (kixi/simple-linear-regression

    fx fy)) (def data (filter swimmer? (data-source "athletes"))) (let [[b a] (transduce identity regression data) estimate (fn [x] (+ (* a x) b)) goodness-of-fit (r-square (comp estimate fx) fy)] (double (transduce identity goodness-of-fit data))) ;; => 0.748
  21. θ = ( X y X T ) −1 X

    T (require '[clojure.core.matrix :refer [mmul transpose]] '[clojure.core.matrix.linear :refer [solve]]) (defn normal-equation [x y] (let [xt (transpose x) xtx (mmul xt x) xty (mmul xt y)] (mmul (solve xtx) xty)))
  22. (defn features [& fns] (apply juxt fns)) (def fx (features

    (constantly 1.0) :height)) (def fy :weight) (let [coefs (normal-equation (map fx data) (map fy data)) estimate (fn [x] (mmul (transpose coefs) x)) goodness-of-fit (r-square (comp estimate fx) fy)] (transduce identity goodness-of-fit data)) ;; 0.7480772104725628
  23. (defn dummy-mf [athlete] (if (= (:sex athlete) "F") 0.0 1.0))

    (def fx (features (constantly 1.0) :height dummy-mf)) (def fy :weight) (let [coefs (normal-equation (map fx data) (map fy data)) estimate (fn [x] (mmul (transpose coefs) x)) goodness-of-fit (r-square (comp estimate fx) fy)] (double (transduce identity goodness-of-fit data))) ;; 0.8022246027673994
  24. “Either building, or contributing to, or forming a nice Clojure-first

    solution for deep learning would be huge” Eric Weinstein, Clojure for Machine Learning
  25. (def summary-stats (fuse {:mean kixi/mean :sd kixi/standard-deviation})) (defn normalizer [&

    args] (let [normalize (fn [x {:keys [mean sd]}] (/ (- x mean) sd)) summarise (fn [k] [k (pre-step summary-stats k)])] (post-complete (fuse (into {} (map summarise) args)) (fn [stats] (map #(merge-with normalize % stats)))))) (def normalize (transduce identity (normalizer :height :weight) data)) (sequence (comp normalize (map fx)) data) ;; ([1.0 -1.3898594098622594 0.0] [1.0 1.2798851553621058 1.0] ...)
  26. (def fx (features :height dummy-mf)) (def fy (features :weight)) (let

    [xs (vec (sequence (comp normalize (map fx)) data)) ys (vec (sequence (comp normalize (map fy)) data)) network (layers/linear-layer 2 1) trained (net/train network optimiser loss xs ys batch-size n-epochs) predict (fn [x] (ffirst (net/run trained [x]))) goodness-of-fit (r-square (comp predict fx) (comp first fy))] (transduce normalize goodness-of-fit data)) ;; 0.8021682807900807
  27. (defn fy [i] (cond (zero? (mod i 15)) [0.0 0.0

    0.0 1.0] (zero? (mod i 5)) [0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0] (zero? (mod i 3)) [0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0] :else [1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0]))
  28. (defn fx [i] (map #(if (bit-test i %) 1.0 0.0)

    (range 10))) (encode 4) ;; (0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) (encode 9) ;; (1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
  29. = [year, yea , . . . , yea ]

    x f eature r 2 r 11
  30. (require '[cortex.nn.core :as core] '[cortex.nn.layers :as layers]) (defn create-network []

    (let [network-modules [(layers/linear-layer 10 100) (layers/logistic [100]) (layers/linear-layer 100 4) (core/stack-module network-modules)))
  31. 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz

    11 Fizz 13 14 FizzBuzz 16 17 Fizz 19 Buzz Fizz 22 23 Fizz Buzz 26 Fizz 28 29 FizzBuzz 31 32 Fizz 34 Buzz Fizz 37 38 Fizz Buzz 41 Fizz 43 44 FizzBuzz 46 47 Fizz 49 Buzz Fizz 52 53 Fizz Buzz 56 Fizz 58 59 FizzBuzz 61 62 Fizz 64 Buzz Fizz 67 68 Fizz Buzz 71 Fizz 73 74 FizzBuzz 76 77 Fizz 79 Buzz Fizz 82 83 Fizz Buzz 86 Fizz 88 89 FizzBuzz 91 92 Fizz 94 Buzz Fizz 97 98 Fizz Buzz
  32. (A SAMPLE OF) THINGS I SKIPPED Significance tests t-distribution Classifier

    evaluators Cross-validation Recurrent NNs LSTM NNs …
  33. FURTHER READING Fizzbuzz in Tensorflow Examples of deeper neural networks

    Java Deep Learning Probability and statistics ALTA Institute http://joelgrus.com/2016/05/23/fizz-buzz-in-tensorflow/ http://github.com/thinktopic/cortex https://deeplearning4j.org/ https://www.chrisstucchio.com/ http://www.wiki.cl.cam.ac.uk/rowiki/NaturalLanguage/ALTA