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Database Design Patterns with PHP 5.3

Hugo Hamon
November 21, 2011

Database Design Patterns with PHP 5.3

This session introduces most well known design patterns to build PHP classes and objects that need to store and fetch data from a relational databases. The session will describe the difference between of the Active Record, the Table and Row Data Gateway and the Data Mapper pattern. We will also examine some technical advantages and drawbacks of these implementations. This talk will expose some of the best PHP tools, which ease database interactions and are built on top of these patterns.

Hugo Hamon

November 21, 2011

More Decks by Hugo Hamon

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  1. By Martin Fowler §  Table Module §  Transaction Script § 

    Row Data Gateway §  Table Data Gateway §  Active Record §  Data Mapper §  Unit of Work §  Identity Map §  Data Transfer Object §  …
  2. « An object that acts as a Gateway to a

    database table. One instance handles all the rows in the table. » Martin Fowler  
  3. class OrderGateway { public function insert($reference, $amount, $status) { $query

    = 'INSERT INTO orders (reference, amount, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'; $data = array($reference, $amount, $status); $this->conn->executeQuery($query, $data); return $this->conn->lastInsertId(); } }
  4. class OrderGateway { public function update($pk, $ref, $amount, $status) {

    $query = 'UPDATE orders SET reference = ?, amount = ?, status = ? WHERE id = ?'; $data = array($ref, $amount, $status, $pk); return $this->conn->executeQuery($query, $data); } }
  5. $orders = $table->findAll(); $orders = $table->findPaidOrders(); $orders = $table->findUnpaidOrders(); $orders

    = $table->findBy(array( 'status' => 'paid', 'amount' => 250.00 )); $order = $table->find(42); $order = $table->findOneBy(array('reference' => '...'));
  6. class OrderGateway { public function findAll() { $query = 'SELECT

    * FROM orders'; return $this->conn->fetchAll($query); } public function find($pk) { $rs = $this->conn->findBy(array('id' => $pk)); return 1 === count($rs) ? $rs[0] : false; } }
  7. public function findBy(array $criteria) { $where = array(); foreach ($criteria

    as $field => $value) { $where[] = sprintf('%s = ?'); } $q = sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE %s', implode(' AND ', $where) ); return $this->conn->fetchAll($q, array_values($criteria)); }
  8. public function findPaidOrders() { return $this->findBy(array('status' => 'paid')); } public

    function findUnpaidOrders() { return $this->findBy(array('status' => 'unpaid')); }
  9. « An object that acts as a Gateway to a

    single record in a data source. There is one instance per row. » Martin Fowler  
  10. class Order { private $id; private $reference; private $amount; private

    $vat; private $total; private $createdAt; // Getters and setters for each property // ... }
  11. $conn = new Connection('...'); $order = new OrderGateway(); $order->setReference('XX12345678'); $order->setAmount(300.00);

    $order->setVat(58.80); $order->setTotal(358.80); $order->setCreatedAt(new DateTime()); $order->insert($conn);
  12. class OrderGateway { public function insert(Connection $conn) { $query =

    'INSERT INTO orders (reference, amount, vat, total, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $data = array( $this->reference, $this->amount, $this->vat, $this->total, $this->createdAt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); $conn->executeQuery($query, $data); $this->id = $conn->lastInsertId(); } }
  13. class OrderFinder { static public function findByReference($reference) { $query =

    'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE reference = ?'; $rs = static::getConnection() ->fetchSingle($query, array($reference)) ; return $rs ? OrderGateway::load($rs) : false; } }
  14. class OrderGateway { static public function load(array $rs) { $order

    = new OrderGateway($rs['id']); $order->setReference($rs['reference']); $order->setAmount($rs['amount']); $order->setVat($rs['vat']); $order->setTotal($rs['total']); $order->setCreatedAt(new DateTime($rs['created_at'])); return $order; } }
  15. OrderFinder::setConnection($conn); $orders = OrderFinder::findMostExpensiveOrders(10); foreach ($orders as $order) { echo

    $order->getReference(), "\n"; echo sprintf('%01.2f euros', $order->getTotal()), "\n"; echo "\n-----\n"; }
  16. class OrderFinder { static public function findMostExpensiveOrders($limit) { $orders =

    array(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT ?'; $rs = static::getConnection()->fetchAll($query, array($limit)); foreach ($rs as $data) { $orders[] = OrderGateway::load($data); } return $orders; } }
  17. « An object that wraps a row in a database

    table or view, encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on that data. » Martin Fowler  
  18. class Order { private $id; private $reference; private $amount; private

    $vat; private $vatRate; private $total; private $createdAt; private $status; private $isPaid; // Getters and setters for each property // ... }
  19. class Order { public function __construct($id = null) { if

    (null !== $id) { $this->id = $id; } $this->vatRate = 0.00; $this->vat = 0.00; $this->amount = 0.00; $this->total = 0.00; $this->isPaid = false; $this->status = 'processing'; $this->createdAt = new DateTime(); } }
  20. $conn = new Connection('...'); $order = new Order(); $order->setReference('XX12345678'); $order->setAmount(300.00);

    $order->setVatRate(0.196); $order->applyDiscount(20.00); $order->updateTotal(); $order->save($conn);
  21. class Order { public function applyDiscount($discount) { $this->amount -= $discount;

    } public function updateTotal() { if ($this->vatRate) { $this->vat = $this->amount * $this->vatRate; } $this->total = $this->amount + $this->vat; } }
  22. class Order { public function isPaid() { return $this->isPaid; }

    public function setPaid() { $this->isPaid = true; } }
  23. class Order { public function isReadyForShipment() { return $this->isPaid() &&

    'complete' == $this->status; } public function ship($address) { $this->doShipment($address); $this->status = 'shipped'; } }
  24. class OrderController { public function confirmAction($reference) { $conn = $this->getDatabaseConnection();

    $order = ...; $order->setPaid(); $order->save($conn); if ($order->isReadyForShipment()) { $order->ship(); return $this->view->render('ship.php', array('order' => $order)); } return $this->view->render('pending.php', array('order' => $order)); } }
  25. abstract class ActiveRecord { protected $fields = array(); abstract public

    function getTableName(); public function save(Connection $conn) { // insert or update $fields in the database } public function delete(Connection $conn) { // delete the object from the database } }
  26. class Order extends ActiveRecord { private $amount; abstract public function

    getTableName() { return 'tbl_orders'; } public function setAmount($amount) { $this->amount = $amount; $this->fields['amount'] = $amount; } }
  27. « A layer of Mappers that moves data between objects

    and a database while keeping them independent of each other and the mapper itself. » Martin Fowler  
  28. class OrderMapper { private $conn; public function __construct(Connection $conn) {

    $this->conn = $conn; } public function store(Order $order) { // Execute the query to persist the object to the DB } public function remove(Order $order) { // Executes the query to remove the object to the DB } }
  29. $order = new Order(); $order->setReference('XX12345678'); $order->setAmount(300.00); $order->setVatRate(0.196); $order->updateTotal(); $conn =

    new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...'); $mapper = new OrderMapper($conn); $mapper->store($order);
  30. class OrderMapper { public function findAll() { $objects = array();

    $query = 'SELECT id, reference, vat ... FROM orders'; foreach ($this->conn->fetchAll($query) as $data) { $object = new Order($data['id']); $object->load($data); $objects[] = $object; } return $objects; } }
  31. class OrderMapper { public function find($pk) { $query = 'SELECT

    id, vat ... FROM orders WHERE id = ?'; $object = false; if (false !== $data = conn->fetch($query, array($pk))) { $object = new Order($data['id']); $object->load($data); } return $object; } }
  32. $conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...'); $mapper = new OrderMapper($conn); $order

    = $mapper->find(42); $order->setAmount(399.00); $order->updateTotal(); $mapper->store($order);
  33. class OrderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testUpdateTotal() { $order

    = new Order(); $order->setAmount(299.00); $order->setVatRate(0.196); $order->updateTotal(); $this->assertEquals(58.60, $order->getVat()); $this->assertEquals(357.60, $order->getTotal()); } }
  34. « Ensures that each object gets loaded only once by

    keeping every loaded object in a map. » Martin Fowler  
  35. $conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...'); $mapper = new OrderMapper($conn); $orderA

    = $mapper->find(42); $orderB = $mapper->find(42); $orderC = $mapper->find(42); // 3 SQL queries for getting the same object
  36. class IdentityMap implements IdentityMapInterface { private $entities; public function fetch($class,

    $pk) { $key = $this->getKey($class, $pk); if (isset($this->entities[$key])) { return $this->entities[$key]; } return false; } }
  37. class IdentityMap implements IdentityMapInterface { public function store(ValueObjectInterface $entity) {

    $key = $this->getKey($class, $entity->getId()); $this->entities[$key] = $entity; } private function getKey($class, $pk) { return $class.'-'.$pk; } }
  38. class Order implements ValueObjectInterface { private $id; private $reference; private

    $amount; // ... public function getId() { return $this->id; } }
  39. class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper { private $map; public function __construct(IdentityMap

    $map, ...) { parent::__construct($conn); $this->map = $map; } }
  40. class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper { public function store(Order $order) {

    parent::store($order); $this->map->store('Order', $object); } }
  41. class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper { public function find($pk) { if

    (false !== $object = $this->map->fetch($pk)) { return $object; } if (false !== $object = parent::find($pk)) { $this->map->store('Order', $object); } return $object; } }
  42. $conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...'); $mapper = new OrderMapper(new IdentityMap(),

    $conn); $orderA = $mapper->find(42); // Query $orderB = $mapper->find(42); // No query $orderB->setAmount(299.00); $orderB->setVatRate(0.196); $orderB->updateTotal(); $mapper->store($orderB); $orderC = $mapper->find(42); // No query
  43. $query = Query::create() ->select(array('id', 'reference', 'amount', 'status')) ->from('orders') ->where(Criteria::equals('status', 'paid'))

    ->where(Criteria::greaterThan('amount', 2000)) ->where(Criteria::like('reference', 'XX123%')) ->orderBy('amount', 'desc') ->getSql() ; // SELECT id, reference, amount, status // WHERE status = ? AND amount > ? AND reference LIKE ? // ORDER BY amount DESC
  44. class Criteria { private $field; private $operator; private $parameters; public

    function __construct($field, $operator, $value) { $this->field = $field; $this->operator = $operator; $this->parameters[] = $value; } }
  45. class Criteria { static public function equal($field, $value, $vars) {

    return new Criteria($field, '=', $vars); } static public function notEqual($field, $value, $vars) { return new Criteria($field, '<>', $vars); } }
  46. class OrderQuery extends Query { public function filterByPriority($amount) { return

    $this ->where(Criteria::equal('status', 'paid')) ->where(Criteria::greaterThan('amount', $amount)) ; } public function filterByReference($like) { return $this->where(Criteria::like('reference', $like)); } }
  47. $table = new Author(); // New empty row $row =

    $table->createRow(); // Insert a new row $row->firstName = 'Jules'; $row->lastName = 'Verne'; $row->save();
  48. $pax1 = new Passenger('Hugo Hamon', '7B'); $pax2 = new Passenger('John

    Smith', '3A'); $aircraft = new Plane(); $aircraft->setCapacity(120); $aircraft->addPassenger($pax1); $aircraft->addPassenger($pax2); $aircraft->save(); $pax2->changeSeat('2C'); $pax2->save(); $aircraft->isAvailableSeat('3A') ? 'Yes' : 'No';
  49. $post = new BlogPost(); $post->setTitle('My First Blog Post'); $post->setBody('Some content...');

    $author = new Author(); $author->setName('Hugo Hamon'); $author->addPost($post); $em->persist($user); $em->persist($post); $em->flush();
  50. $data = array( 'first_name' => 'Jules', 'last_name' => 'Vernes', );

    $table = new AuthorTable(); $table->insert($data);
  51. By Martin Fowler §  Table Module §  Transaction Script § 

    Row Data Gateway §  Table Data Gateway §  Active Record §  Data Mapper §  Unit of Work §  Identity Map §  Data Transfer Object §  …
  52. Ques&ons?   92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo 92 115 Clichy Cedex

    trainings@sensio.com (+33 (0)1 40 99 82 11) sensiolabs.com - symfony.com – trainings.sensiolabs.com