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The History of PHPersistence

Hugo Hamon
November 20, 2011

The History of PHPersistence

Persistence is one of the most important part in a PHP project. Persisting data to a database came with PHPFI and its MySQL support. From native extensions and PHP4 database abstraction libraries to PDO and modern ORM frameworks, you will (re)discover how persistence has evolved during the last decade. This talk will also introduce the future of data persistence with the growing success of alternative storage engines.

Hugo Hamon

November 20, 2011

More Decks by Hugo Hamon

Other Decks in Technology


  1. $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "secret"); $name = "bob"; $result =

    mysql( $db, "select * from table where firstname='$name'" ); $num = mysql_numrows($result); echo "$num records found!<p>";
  2. function db_connect($database, $host, $user, $pwd); function db_fetch_single($dbh, $query); function db_fetch_all($dbh,

    $query); function db_insert($dbh, $table, $values); function db_update($dbh, $table, $values, $pk); function db_delete($dbh, $table, $pk); function db_list_fields($dbh, $table); function db_drop_table($dbh, $table);
  3. function db_connect($database, $host, $user, $pwd) { $dbh = mysql_connect($host, $user,

    $pwd); if (!$dbh) { die('Server unavailable: '. mysql_error()); } if (!mysql_select_db($database, $dbh)) { die("'$database' unavailable: ". mysql_error()); } return $dbh; }
  4. /** * Fetches a single record from a database *

    * @param resource $dbh The database handler * @param string $query A SQL query * @return array A single record as an array */ function db_fetch_single($dbh, $query) { return current(db_fetch_all($dbh, $query)); }
  5. function db_fetch_all($dbh, $query) { $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (!$result)

    { die('Invalid query: '. mysql_error()); } $records = array(); while ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $records[] = $record; } return $records; }
  6. function db_insert($dbh, $table, array $values) { $data = array(); foreach

    ($values as $value) { $data[] = mysql_real_escape_string($value, $dbh); } $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO `$table` (`%s`) VALUES ('%s')", implode('`, `', array_keys($values)), implode("', '", $data) ); $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); if (!$result) { die('Invalid data to insert: '. mysql_error()); } return mysql_insert_id($dbh); }
  7. include 'lib/database.inc.php'; $dbh = db_connect('osidays'); $query = 'SELECT id, name

    FROM author'; $authors = db_fetch_all($dbh, $query); $author = db_fetch_single( $dbh, 'SELECT id, name FROM author WHERE id = 3' ); $id = db_insert($dbh, 'author', array( 'name' => 'Jules Verne' ));
  8. class Database { function Database($database, host, $user, $pwd); function disconnect();

    function connect(); function free(); function getErrorMessage(); function getErrorCode(); function getLastInsertId(); function insert($table, array $values); function fetchAll($query); function fetchSingle($query); function query($query); function quote($string); function hasError(); function _collectError(); function _init(); }
  9. require 'lib/Database.php'; $db= &new Database('demo', 'localhost', 'root'); $q = 'SELECT

    id, name FROM author'; foreach ($db->fetchAll($q) as $author) { // ... } $db->free(); $db->disconnect();
  10. require 'lib/Database.php'; $db= &new Database('demo', 'localhost', 'root'); $q = 'SELECT

    id, name FROM author WHERE id = 1'; $author = $db->fetchSingle($q); $db->free(); $db->disconnect();
  11. require 'lib/Database.php'; $db= &new Database('demo', 'localhost', 'root'); $res = $db->insert('author',

    array( 'name' => 'Jules Vernes' )); if ($result) { $id = $db->getLastInsertId(); } $db->disconnect();
  12. §  Multiple databases support §  Uni ed APIs §  Prepared

    statements supports §  Query caching §  Security against SQL Injections
  13. $dsn = array( 'phptype' => 'mysql', 'username' => 'root', 'password'

    => '', 'hostspec' => 'localhost', 'database' => 'demo', ); $db = & MDB2::connect($dsn); $db->setFetchMode(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); $rs = $db->queryAll('SELECT id, name FROM author'); $db->disconnect();
  14. include('adodb.inc.php'); $db = NewADOConnection('mysql'); $db->Connect('localhost', 'root', 'password', 'demo'); $result =

    $db->Execute('SELECT id, name FROM author'); if ($result) { while (!$result->EOF) { echo 'ID: ', $result->fields[0] ,"\n"; echo 'Name:', $result->fields[1] ,"\n"; $result->MoveNext(); } }
  15. • PECL extension as of PHP 5.0.0 • Core extension since PHP

    5.1.0 (11/2005) • 12 official drivers as of today • Extensible Object Oriented API • Prepared statements & transaction support • Stored procedures support
  16. « PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer, which means that,

    regardless of which database you're using, you use the same functions to issue queries and fetch data. »
  17. « PDO does not provide a database abstraction as it

    doesn't rewrite SQL or emulate missing features »
  18. try { $pdo->beginTransaction(); $query = 'INSERT INTO author (name) VALUES

    (?)'; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($query); $stmt->bindValue(1, 'Jules Verne'); $stmt->execute(); $id = $pdo->lastInsertId(); $pdo->commit(); } catch (PDOException $e) { $pdo->rollback(); }
  19. DELIMITER | CREATE PROCEDURE coming_events (IN start DATE, OUT events

    INT) BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO events FROM events WHERE start_at >= start; END | $query = "CALL coming_events('2011-03-01', @events);"; $pdo->query($query); $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT @events;"); echo $stmt->fetchColumn() ,' events to come.';
  20. $data = array( 'first_name' => 'Jules', 'last_name' => 'Vernes', );

    $table = new AuthorGateway(); $table->insert($data);
  21. $table = new AuthorGateway(); // New empty row $row =

    $table->createRow(); // Insert a new row $row->firstName = 'Jules'; $row->lastName = 'Verne'; $row->save();
  22. $isbn = '1234567890'; $rows = $db->select() ->from(array('b' => 'books')) ->where('b.isbn

    = ?', $isbn) ->order(array('b.title ASC')) ->query() ->fetchAll() ;
  23. •  Use objects instead of raw SQL queries •  Database

    abstraction layer (not always) •  Relationships support •  Behaviors support (i18n, timestampable…) •  Querying API •  Error logging
  24. $author = new Author(); $author->setFirstName("Leo"); $author->setLastName("Tolstoy"); $book = new Book();

    $book->setTitle("War & Peace"); $book->setIsbn("0140444173"); $book->setAuthor($author); $book->save();
  25. $books = Doctrine_Query::create() ->select('b.*, a.*, p.*') ->from('Book b') ->leftJoin('b.Author a')

    ->leftJoin('b.Publisher p') ->where('a.firstName = ?', 'Karl') ->andWhere('a.lastName = ?', 'Marx') ->orderBy('b.title ASC') ->execute() ;
  26. •  Database Abstraction Layer •  Object Relational Mapping •  Schema

    management •  Migrations support •  XML & NoSQL databases support
  27. /** @Entity() */ class Author { /** * @Id() *

    @GeneratedValue() * @Column(type="integer") */ private $id; /** @Column(type="string", length="30") */ private $name; /** @ReferenceMany(targetDocument="BlogPost") */ private $posts = array(); }
  28. $post = new BlogPost(); $post->setTitle('My First Blog Post'); $post->setBody('Some content...');

    $author = new Author(); $author->setName('Hugo Hamon'); $author->addPost($post); $em->persist($user); $em->persist($post); $dm->flush();
  29. Name:  Hugo  Hamon   Role:  Speaker   abcdef   Skills

      0:  PHP   1:  HTML   2:  CSS   Key Document
  30. •  Cross-platform support •  Schemaless language •  BSON type support

    •  Binary le storage support (GridFS) •  Master – slave replication support •  Sharding (horizontal scaling)
  31. $mongo = new Mongo(); $col = $mongo->selectDb('osidays')->books; $books = array(

    array('title' => 'Da Vinci Code'), array('title' => 'The Lost Symbol'), array('title' => 'Digital Fortress'), ); foreach ($books as $book) { $collection->insert($book); }
  32. •  ORM Layers for Mongodb •  Dealing with objects instead

    of arrays •  Relationships support •  Query abstraction •  GridFS support •  Query logging & caching
  33. $post = new BlogPost(); $post->setTitle('My First Blog Post'); $post->setBody('Some content...');

    $author = new Author(); $author->setName('Hugo Hamon'); $author->setEmail('hugo@example.com'); $dm->persist($user); $user->addPost($post); $dm->flush();
  34. QuesAons?   92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo 92 115 Clichy Cedex

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