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サーバーレス失敗談 - DynamoDB編 / Serverless Fails

サーバーレス失敗談 - DynamoDB編 / Serverless Fails

Serverless Meetup Tokyo #11 での発表で使用したスライドです。

Serverless Meetup Tokyo #11


ServerlessなサービスのBlue/Greenデプロイメントの現実 | HiCustomer Tech Blog

サーバーレス失敗談 - テーブル設計編 | HiCustomer Tech Blog

Yosuke Hizen

March 06, 2019

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  1. ٕज़తಛ௃ͱ՝୊ w ΠϕϯτυϦϒϯͳγεςϜ w σʔλͷ౤ೖΛى఺ʹείΞܭࢉ΍௨஌Πϕϯτ͕࿈࠯తʹ૸Δ w ߴස౓ʹॻ͖ࠐΈ͕ൃੜ͢Δ1VCMJD"1* w ӡ༻தͷϓϩμΫτ͔ΒΧελϚʔͷߦಈϩά͕શͯૹ৴͞ΕΔ w

    8SJUFͷΈ w ແఀࢭӡ༻ w ಋೖઌͷϓϩμΫτͷن໛ʹΑΓτϥϑΟοΫͷٸ૿͕ߟ͑ΒΕΔ w ௿ස౓͕ͩෳࡶͳΫΤϦ͕ൃੜ͢Δ1SJWBUF"1* w μογϡϘʔυͷΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ͔Βݺͼग़͞ΕΔ w 3FBE͕ϝΠϯ w සൟʹσϓϩΠ͍ͨ͠
  2. ى͖ͨ໰୊ w ύϑΥʔϚϯεͷ௿Լ w ར༻ස౓ͷ௿͍ςʔϒϧͰεϩοτϦϯά͕සൟʹൃੜ͢Δ w ඞཁͷͳ͍ύʔςΟγϣχϯάʹΑΓίʔϧυελʔτ͕ൃੜ w ΩϟύγςΟϢχοτ࠷దԽͷ؍఺Ͱ΋ෆར w

    σʔλϞσϧͷ௥Ճมߋίετ͕ߴ͍ w %ZOBNP%#4USFBNΛଟ༻͍ͯ͠ΔͨΊςʔϒϧ௥ՃʹՃ͑ετϦʔϜΛϋ ϯυϦϯά͢Δ-BNCEBͷ௥Ճ΋ඞཁ w ؅ཧ͕൥ࡶʹ
  3. &WFOU4PVSDF.BQQJOH ํ๏&WFOU4PVSDF.BQQJOH͸$'O͔Β֎͢ύλʔϯ You can update an event source mapping. This

    is useful if you want to change the parameters of the existing mapping without losing your position in the stream. You can change which function will receive the stream records, but to change the stream itself, you must create a new mapping. If you disable the event source mapping, AWS Lambda stops polling. If you enable again, it will resume polling from the time it had stopped polling, so you don’t lose processing of any records. However, if you delete event source mapping and create it again, it will reset. NBOʹΑΔͱ  EJTBCMF  DIBOHFGVODUJPO  FOBCMF ͷॱʹૢ࡞Λ͢Ε͹ϙδγϣϯΛࣦΘͣʹॲཧΛ࠶։Ͱ͖Δ