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Making IT Greener - Pecha Kucha

Making IT Greener - Pecha Kucha

A Pecha Kucha on sustainability in IT - twenty slides, and slides auto-advance every twenty seconds!

Holly Cummins

February 06, 2023

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  1. @holly_cummins #RedHat Look at the sustainability information before choosing a

    hosting region. Choose a cloud provider who make this easy.
  2. @holly_cummins #RedHat Elasticity We used to leave our applications running

    all the time. When we scripted turning them off at night, we reduced our cloud bill by 30%. @darkandnerdy, Chicago DevOpsDays
  3. @holly_cummins #RedHat Setup: • REST + CRUD • large heap

    • RAPL energy measurement • multiple instances to support high load 
 Assumptions: • US energy mix Source: John O’Hara climate impact of framework choice
  4. @holly_cummins #RedHat The double-win Turning things off saves a lot

    of money Renewable energy is a lot cheaper @holly_cummins@hachyderm.io. #RedHat Image: labs.openai.com