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How to properly use PATCH HTTP method and how to patch JSON documents. JSON Patch and JSON Merge Patch.

Honza Javorek

April 15, 2015

More Decks by Honza Javorek

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  1. Modifying Resources { "type": "Mazda", "color": "red", "stolen": true }

    ! { "type": "Mazda", "color": "blue", "stolen": false }
  2. Web { "type": "Mazda", "color": "red", "stolen": true } !

    { "type": "Mazda", "color": "blue", "stolen": false }
  3. API { "type": "Mazda", "color": "red", "stolen": true } !

    { "type": "Mazda", "color": "blue", "stolen": false } PUT /car
  4. Has flaws vs. Good enough • Needs recent GET on

    the resource. • Even with recent GET , there's obviously still race condition. • We need to send the whole resource (bandwidth). • But come on, we do this all the time with web forms…
  5. PATCH • New HTTP method for partial updates (RFC 5789)

    • Body contains a description of changes. • The changes must be applied atomically by server.
  6. Content-Type: application/json { "color": "blue", "stolen": false } PATCH /car

    Content-Type: application/json { "type": "Mazda", "color": "blue", "stolen": false } 200
  7. Content-Type: application/json { "color": "blue", "stolen": false } PATCH /car

    Content-Type: application/json { "type": "Mazda", "color": "blue", "stolen": false } 200
  8. application/json • Does not actually say anything about the diff

    format. • No shared libraries. • It is ambiguous: delete property vs. set to null? • You meet limits very soon: adding to arrays?
  9. JSON Patch • JavaScript Object Notation Patch (RFC 6902) •

    Way to describe changes made on JSON. • Not ambiguous, supports addressing nested structures (e.g. replacing properties of nested objects, adding to array). • application/json-patch+json
  10. Content-Type: application/json-patch+json [ {"op": "replace", "path": "/color", "value": "blue"}, {"op":

    "replace", "path": "/stolen", "value": false} ] PATCH /car Content-Type: application/json { "type": "Mazda", "color": "blue", "stolen": false } 200
  11. JSON Patch • atomic operations • path is able to

    address any element in JSON document • RFC is very short and half of it are examples. Just read it. • libraries…
  12. • JSON Pointer (RFC 6901) • Easy to address any

    part of JSON document • "/pets/0" (first element in array pets) What "path"?
  13. • test: check if path has given value (if not,

    the patch fails) • remove: remove path • add: insert new value at path • replace: replace value at path • move: remove + add • copy: clones node inside the document Operations
  14. Content-Type: application/json { "color": "blue", "stolen": false } PATCH /car

    Content-Type: application/json { "type": "Mazda", "color": "blue", "stolen": false } 200
  15. JSON Merge Patch • RFC 7396 • Way to describe

    changes made on JSON. • Not ambiguous, supports addressing nested structures (e.g. replacing properties of nested objects). Replaces arrays. • application/merge-patch+json
  16. Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json { "color": "blue", "stolen": false } PATCH /car

    Content-Type: application/json { "type": "Mazda", "color": "blue", "stolen": false } 200
  17. JSON Merge Patch • standardization & exact spec of what

    everyone already does • very young • some libraries… • supported by orchestrate.io
  18. Misc Tricks • Return "Undo Patch" in response (or link

    it) to provide undo. • Conditional requests can prevent race conditions: • use If-Match headers & 412 HTTP status • PUT/PATCH exposes whole document: • use JSON Schema & 400/422 for access control
  19. More • RFCs: 1855, 6902, 5789, 7396, 6901, 7230-7237, …

    • Misc: • http://williamdurand.fr/2014/02/14/please-do-not-patch-like-an-idiot/ • https://github.com/apicraft/detroit2013/wiki/PATCH-and-partial-updates • https://www.mnot.net/blog/2012/09/05/patch • http://jsonpatch.com/ • http://slides.com/warpech/introduction-to-json-patch#/