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Deep Learning with Python and Tensorflow

Deep Learning with Python and Tensorflow

Python has lots of scientific, data analysis, and machine learning libraries. But there are many problems when starting out on a machine learning project. Which library do you use? How do they compare to each other? How can you use a model that has been trained in your production application?

TensorFlow is a new Open-Source framework created at Google for building Deep Learning applications. Tensorflow allows you to construct easy to understand data flow graphs in Python which form a mathematical and logical pipeline. Creating data flow graphs allow easier visualization of complicated algorithms as well as running the training operations over multiple hardware GPUs in parallel.

In this talk I will discuss how you can use TensorFlow to create Deep Learning applications. I will discuss how it compares to other Python machine learning libraries like Theano or Chainer. Finally, I will discuss how trained TensorFlow models could be deployed into a production system using TensorFlow Serve.

Ian Lewis

July 22, 2016

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  1. Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 2 Ian Lewis Developer

    Advocate - Google Cloud Platform Tokyo, Japan +Ian Lewis @IanMLewis
  2. Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 7 Neural Network can

    find a way to solve the problem How do you classify these data points?
  3. DNN = a large matrix ops a few GPUs >>

    CPU (but it still takes hours/days to train) a supercomputer >> a few GPUs (but you don't have a supercomputer) You need Distributed Training
  4. What's the scalability of Google Brain? "Large Scale Distributed Systems

    for Training Neural Networks", NIPS 2015 ◦ Inception / ImageNet: 40x with 50 GPUs ◦ RankBrain: 300x with 500 nodes
  5. 23 Google's open source library for machine intelligence tensorflow.org launched

    in Nov 2015 The second generation Used by many production ML projects What is Tensorflow?
  6. 24 Operates over tensors: n-dimensional arrays Using a flow graph:

    data flow computation framework TensorFlow • Flexible, intuitive construction • automatic differentiation • Support for threads, queues, and asynchronous computation; distributed runtime • Train on CPUs, GPUs • Run wherever you like
  7. Google Cloud Platform 25 Core TensorFlow data structures and concepts...

    - Graph: A TensorFlow computation, represented as a dataflow graph. - collection of ops that may be executed together as a group - Operation: a graph node that performs computation on tensors - Tensor: a handle to one of the outputs of an Operation - provides a means of computing the value in a TensorFlow Session.
  8. Google Cloud Platform 26 Core TensorFlow data structures and concepts

    - Constants - Placeholders: must be fed with data on execution - Variables: a modifiable tensor that lives in TensorFlow's graph of interacting operations. - Session: encapsulates the environment in which Operation objects are executed, and Tensor objects are evaluated.
  9. Google Cloud Platform 27 Category Element-wise math ops Array ops

    Matrix ops Stateful ops NN building blocks Checkpointing ops Queue & synch ops Control flow ops Operations Examples Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Exp, Log, Greater, Less… Concat, Slice, Split, Constant, Rank, Shape… MatMul, MatrixInverse, MatrixDeterminant… Variable, Assign, AssignAdd... SoftMax, Sigmoid, ReLU, Convolution2D… Save, Restore Enqueue, Dequeue, MutexAcquire… Merge, Switch, Enter, Leave...
  10. Distributed Training Model Parallelism Sub-Graph • Allows fine grained application

    of parallelism to slow graph components • Larger more complex graph Full Graph • Code is more similar to single process models • Not necessarily as performant (large models) Data Parallelism Synchronous • Prevents workers from “Falling behind” • Workers progress at the speed of the slowest worker Asynchronous • Workers advance as fast as they can • Can result in runs that aren’t reproducible or difficult to debug behavior (large models)
  11. • CPU/GPU scheduling • Communications ◦ Local, RPC, RDMA ◦

    32/16/8 bit quantization • Cost-based optimization • Fault tolerance Distributed Training with TensorFlow
  12. bit.ly/tensorflow-at-pycon bit.ly/tensorflow-workshop Model Parallelism: Full Graph Replication • Similar code

    runs on each worker and workers use flags to determine their role in the cluster: server = tf.train.Server(cluster_def, job_name=this_job_name, task_index=this_task_index) if this_job_name == 'ps': server.join() elif this_job_name=='worker': // cont’d
  13. bit.ly/tensorflow-at-pycon bit.ly/tensorflow-workshop Model Parallelism: Full Graph Replication • Copies of

    each variable and op are deterministically assigned to parameter servers and worker with tf.device(tf.train.replica_device_setter( worker_device="/job:worker/task:{}".format(this_task_index), cluster=cluster_def)): // Build the model global_step = tf.Variable(0) train_op = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.01).minimize( loss, global_step=global_step)
  14. bit.ly/tensorflow-at-pycon bit.ly/tensorflow-workshop Model Parallelism: Full Graph Replication • Workers coordinate

    once-per-cluster tasks using a Supervisor and train independently sv = tf.train.Supervisor( is_chief = (this_task_index==0), // training, summary and initialization ops)) with sv.managed_session(server.target) as session: step = 0 while not sv.should_stop() and step < 1000000: # Run a training step asynchronously. _, step = sess.run([train_op, global_step])
  15. bit.ly/tensorflow-at-pycon bit.ly/tensorflow-workshop Model Parallelism: Sub-Graph Replication with tf.Graph().as_default(): losses =

    [] for worker in loss_workers: with tf.device(worker): // Computationally expensive model section // e.g. loss calculation losses.append(loss) • Can pin operations specifically to individual nodes in the cluster
  16. bit.ly/tensorflow-at-pycon bit.ly/tensorflow-workshop Model Parallelism: Sub-Graph Replication with tf.device(master): losses_avg =

    tf.add_n(losses) / len(workers) train_op = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(0.01).minimize( losses_avg, global_step=global_step) with tf.Session('grpc://master.address:8080') as session: step = 0 while step < num_steps: _, step = sess.run([train_op, global_step]) • Can use a single synchronized training step, averaging losses from multiple workers
  17. Data Parallelism: Synchronous for worker in workers: with tf.device(worker): //

    expensive computation, e.g. loss losses.append(loss) with tf.device(master): avg_loss = tf.add_n(losses) / len(workers) tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(1.0).minimize(avg_loss, global_step=gs)
  18. bit.ly/tensorflow-at-pycon bit.ly/tensorflow-workshop Kubernetes as a Tensorflow Cluster Manager Jupyter Ingress

    :80 Tensorboard Ingress :6006 Jupyter gRPC :8080 jupyter-server tensorboard-server tensorflow-worker (master) ps-0 tensorflow -worker gRPC :8080 ps-1 tensorflow -worker gRPC :8080 worker-0 tensorflow -worker gRPC :8080 worker-1 tensorflow -worker gRPC :8080 worker-14 tensorflow -worker gRPC :8080
  19. Fully managed, distributed training and prediction for custom TensorFlow graph

    Supports Regression and Classification initially Integrated with Cloud Dataflow and Cloud Datalab Limited Preview - cloud.google.com/ml Cloud Machine Learning (Cloud ML)
  20. Jeff Dean's keynote: YouTube video Define a custom TensorFlow graph

    Training at local: 8.3 hours w/ 1 node Training at cloud: 32 min w/ 20 nodes (15x faster) Prediction at cloud at 300 reqs / sec Cloud ML
  21. Confidential & Proprietary Google Cloud Platform 51 Thank You https://www.tensorflow.org/

    https://cloud.google.com/ml/ http://bit.ly/tensorflow-workshop Ian Lewis @IanMLewis