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Email Marketing Automation: How to Get Started

January 21, 2021

Email Marketing Automation: How to Get Started

This slide deck explains what is email marketing automation, why to use it and how to setup different automation strategies based to implement as per different workflows, setting up triggered emails and its benefits too.


January 21, 2021

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  1. Table of contents , What is marketing automation? Why use

    marketing automation? How does marketing automation work? Marketing automation process Marketing automation strategies to implement Email marketing automation workflow Different types of email marketing workflow Setting drip emails on Sunday Drip email on Monday Drip email on Tuesday Drip email on Wednesday Types of drip level campaign The next-level steps to email marketing Setting up the triggered email Email automation tactics Marketing automation effectiveness Benefits of marketing automation Conclusion
  2. What is Marketing Automation? . Automating the tasks . Prospect

    and customer profiling . Helps send automated personal emails . Helps in customer engagement . Helps in lead nurturing
  3. Why use marketing automation? 76% companies implement to generate revenue

    in first year Businesses implementing it generated a 451% increase in qualified leads Improves productivity by 20%. US marketing automation industry was $6.1 Billion in 2019
  4. How does marketing automation work? Identifying the potential customers Reaching

    to sales-ready customers Cross-sell, upsell to customers
  5. Marketing automation strategies to implement: Using dynamic content Implementing the

    drip campaign Automating team collaboration Setting up the nurture campaign Email sequence to follow up Leveraging it in list segmentation
  6. Email marketing automation workflow: Identifying the recipient Determining the goal

    Setting the criteria Identifying the actions to be taken Creating the necessary assets
  7. Different types of email marketing workflow: Topic Workflow Subscriber welcome

    workflow New customer workflow Lead nurturing workflow Re-engagement workflow Event workflow Abandoned shopping cart workflow Upsell workflow Customer happiness workflow Customer engagement workflow Purchase reminder workflow
  8. The next-level steps to email marketing: Segmenting the subscribers Personalizing

    the messages Connecting emails to landing pages Split testing the emails Analyzing the results
  9. Setting up the trigger emails: Abandoned cart emails Welcome email

    Milestone email Birthday and anniversary email
  10. Benefits of marketing automation: Saves time and resources Captures and

    convert new leads Can sell more with less effort Builds a connection with the audience Automates the repeated emails
  11. Conclusion: Organizations are increasingly implementing email marketing automation in their

    process to outreach customers. It helps maintain the relationship with the old customer and convert the new customer. We have some of the best information presented here. The steps followed in email marketing automation, marketing automation strategies, different types of email marketing workflow, and others help understand how one can implement email marketing automation.
  12. InfoClutch is a leading suppilier of most sought after segmented

    global mailing database. We offer fully customizable prospect data of your preferred specification. 940 Amboy Avenue, Suite 104, Edison, NJ 08837, US. /InfoClutch /InfoClutch /InfoClutchData /company/infoclutch