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一手打造你的專屬網誌-Hexo 簡介及教學

一手打造你的專屬網誌-Hexo 簡介及教學

2016 - 04 - 07 @ NCC x 第二次社聚

Irene Chang

April 07, 2016

More Decks by Irene Chang

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  1. ॄኄੋ໢ࢽᐽՍ(Blog Framework)ʁ ‣ ෆಉԙ WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger ౳ઢ্໢ࢽฏ ୆ɼ໢ࢽᐽՍՄҎᩋ㟬ࡏࣗݾతిᡵ᫊ᱷฤሜจষɻ ‣

    ୞धཁᯩଶ໢ท(ex. GitHub Pages)త෰຿बೳ᫊ ᱷՍઃ㟬త໢ࢽɻ ‣ ໢ࢽฏ୆ఏڙ㚎ݐฤाثᢛଟᒬత౟݅ɼ૬ֱ೭Լɼ ໢ࢽᐽՍڧௐ؆ᄸᢛ௚઀ɼᩋ㟬ߋሢ஫ࡏሜ࡞্ɻ
  2. ݐཱ৽໢ࢽ D ‣ ሡrepository፛ԼိɼฒݐཱHexo؀ڥ $ git clone github.com/user/repository.git $ cd

    repository $ hexo init $ npm install $ npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
  3. ሢҊࢿྉᇄ݁ߏ . ├── _config.yml ├── package.json ├── scaffolds ├── scripts

    ├── source | ├── _drafts | └── _posts └── themes ‣ ৽ ⃧ త จ ষ ။ ์ ࡏ ༬ ઃ త./source/_posts ࢿ ྉᇄ೭Լɻ࢖༻㟬تѪతฤ ाث։࢝ሜจষ㠧ʂ
  4. ෦ॺઃఆ I # URL url: http://username.github.io/blog root: /blog/ ‣ मվ_config.yml

    䈕ɿ # Deployment deploy: type: git repo: https://github.com/username/blog branch: gh-pages