is a subroutine or function that can pause in the middle and return a value. When you call it again it picks up right where it was when you paused, environment intact, and keeps on going.
asynchronously. # blocking for x in xrange(1, 11): time.sleep() # non-blocking ops = [] for x in xrange(1, 11): ops.append(gevent.spawn(time.sleep)) gevent.joinall(ops)
cooperative. import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() ops = [] for x in xrange(1, 11): ops.append(gevent.spawn(time.sleep)) gevent.joinall(ops) Caveats: cannot be used for C-extension
have abundant async libraries: MySQL => pymysql/ultramysql Redis => redis-py Beanstalk => beanstalkc Postgres => psycopg (with specific setup) ... and more
n): gevent.sleep(n) print message # Initialize a new Greenlet instance running the named function foo thread1 = Greenlet.spawn(foo, "Hello", 1) # Wrapper for Greenlet.spawn thread2 = gevent.spawn(foo, "I live!", 2) threads = [thread1, thread2] # Block until all threads complete. gevent.joinall(threads)
fail at failing.') if __name__ == "__main__": loser = gevent.spawn(fail) # Exceptions raised in the Greenlet, stay inside the Greenlet. try: gevent.joinall([loser]) except Exception as exc: print "This will never be reached!" # It is possible though to raise the exception again outside #raise loser.exception # Or using #loser.get() # A stack trace will be printed to stdout but it # will not unwind the stack of the parent. print "loser exception:", loser.exception
"with gevent" ops = [] for x in xrange(1, 11): print "boring!", x ops.append(gevent.spawn(time.sleep)) gevent.joinall(ops) if __name__ == "__main__": green()