service via web and mobile app 2. Migrate from on-prem to public multi-cloud without re-architecting application Technical Solution 1. Guaranteed high performance: 16GB/sec over 12 x L8s_V3 at 0.5ms 2. Resiliency – survive failures of zone 3. Enterprise data services - snapshots 4. Zero disruption from noisy neighbors 5. Linear scalability Business benefits 1. Successful launch on Azure and AWS 2. Cloud solution performs better than on-prem→ happy customers 3. Much higher CPU core utilization -> fewer database servers -> lower cloud opex Ultra can deliver 4,000 MB/sec With AVG 0.75ms latency 16,000 4,000 4,000 1,200 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Volumez + 10 x L8s_V3 AWS IO2 Azure Ultra Azure Premium MB/sec Volumez can deliver 16,000 MB/sec With AVG 0.5ms latency Premium v2 can deliver 1,200 MB/sec With AVG 1.3ms latency Premium can deliver 900 MB/sec With AVG 2.2ms latency 27