to new and emerging architectures Continued focus on developer experience New directions for Flutter: four themes of ongoing investment Disclaimer: This is a preview of features in development, planned to release over the next 12-24 months.
to new and emerging architectures Continued focus on developer experience New directions for Flutter: four themes of ongoing investment Disclaimer: This is a preview of features in development, planned to release over the next 12-24 months.
위한 정기 미팅을 시작(진행)할 예정 • 정기 미팅은 Discord상에서 공지 예정 ◦ ◦ 1. Technical debt & team velocity 기술부채와 팀 속도
지속적 투자 예정 ◦ 모든 플랫폼에서 접근성 지원의 품질 개선 2. Documentation (문서화) ◦ 버그 수정, 소규모 패치의 형태로 이루어질 예정 품질 3. Quality 3. Platform ◦ 빠르게 변화하는 Android, iOS에 대한 지원 ◦ iOS: ▪ Cupertino Widget + Widget 수 증가 ◦ Android: ▪ predictive back gesture ▪ Android handwriting input ▪ Camera플러그인 CameraX API 마이그레이션
security guidelines, established by industry consensus. The standards set by SLSA are guiding principles for both software producers and consumers: producers can follow the guidelines to make their software more secure, and consumers can make decisions based on a software package’s security posture. SLSA’s four levels are designed to be incremental and actionable, and to protect against specific integrity attacks. SLSA 4 represents the ideal end state, and the lower levels represent milestones with corresponding integrity guarantees.
정하는데 도움 2. Parity and Portability ◦ 1개의 플랫폼에서 기능을 지원한다면, 어느 플랫폼에서도 지원할 수 있는것이 중요 3. Supporting some other effort ◦ 예) 성능 향상을 가능하게 하는 새로운 기능 Feature를 선정하는 3가지 동기부여 요소 5. Features
2. Efficient 2D scrolling widgets (e.g. tables and trees), to improve the performance of applications with this kind of interface. 3. Multiple windows, especially for desktop platforms, because this is a very highly requested feature. 4. Platform Views on macOS and Windows, by popular demand. 5. Drag and drop, also by popular demand. 6. Wireless debugging on iOS, our second-most-requested feature. 7. Custom "flutter create" templates, which makes it much easier for third-parties (e.g. the Flame engine) to bootstrap developers. 8. Supporting element embedding (see also #32329), which allows Flutter content to be added to any standard web <div>, by popular demand. 5. Features
a very highly requested 5. Features The window singleton is deprecated In preparation for supporting multiple views and multiple windows, the window singleton has been deprecated. Code previously relying on the window singleton needs to look up the specific view it wants to operate on via the View.of API or interact with the PlatformDispatcher directly.
content to be added to any standard web <div>, by popular demand. 5. Features
여러번 구현하지 않고 복수의 플랫폼을 지원하는 것 • 2. New graphics backend ◦ 3D를 Flutter Scenes에 통합 ◦ 2023년에는 3D 관련 실험/연구를 진행 예정 ◦ The low-level dart:ui API 및 새로운 shader 기능개선 내부에서 연구되고 있는것 6. Research
마이그레이션 ◦ Rust-based ICU Backend • 5. Dart의 새로운 기능을 활용한 Flutter 업데이트 ◦ Record & Pattern을 사용가능하도록 API 업데이트 ◦ RISC-V 지원하기 위한 toolchain 업데이트 ◦ 플러그인을 위한 새로운 FFI 기능 내부에서 연구되고 있는것 6. Research
것 • Engine과 Dart FFI 패키지간 Rust 코드를 공유하는 방법 • 각 패키지들의 바이너리 코드에 대한 tree-shaking 방법 Unicode ICU4X 2022
Dart 3 alpha released. • Around March/April 2023: Dart 3 beta released. ◦ This release previews the new features in Dart 3. • Around mid 2023: Dart 3 stable released. ◦ Sound null safety becomes the only supported mode.
모든 Web Compiler 전문가들은 Wasm (WebAssembly)지원을 위한 작업을 진행 중. • 2. Built-in 지원 ◦ Apple Watch ◦ Android Wear ◦ Automotive (IVI와 같은 자동차 플랫폼) 올해 목표하지 않는것들. 8. Non-goals
Atalay가 만든 flutter_carplay를 추천 ◦ CarPlay API 제어를 위한 Flutter API를 제공 ◦ Apple의 API는 템플릿 베이스이다. (Apple's API is template based) ◦ Flutter의 가치를 발휘하지 어려움. (렌더링 엔진, 위젯 프레임워크, 플랫폼 중립성 등) • Android Auto의 경우도 동일 • Oğuzhan Atalay와 함께 협업하여 작업하거나 새로운 플러그인을 만들기를 권장 • CarPlay와 Android Auto가 직접적으로 화면에 픽셀을 그리는 방식을
would involve code changes in the buildroot, and some changes to Dart and Skia ◦ if we aren't totally off Skia and onto Impeller by then • Flutter 엔진에서 일부 리팩토링 작업을 진행중 ◦ macOS, iOS 및 tvOS 또는 watchOS와 같은 embedders 사이에서 더 많은 코드를 공유할 수 있도록 개선할 예정 • Xcode뿐만 아니라 flutter_tool에서도 작동하도록 하기 위해서는 무선 디버깅이 필수적 ◦ TV에 USB 테더 옵션이 없음. • watchOS SDK는 tvOS SDK보다 iOS와 더 다르므로 Flutter 임베더, WKApplication 수명 주기 이벤트 등에서 WatchKit 의미 체계도 구현필요.
계속 진행 • stores(Google Play, App Store등)의 정책이 엄격해 짐 ◦ JS 기반 솔루션이 스토어상에서 환영받고 있지 못함 ◦ 상황상..make sense하지 못 한거 같음 • React Native의 경우 코드 푸시 솔루션을 직접 제공하지 않음 ◦ Microsoft에서 패키지를 제공하고 있음 ◦ 이슈 데이터베이스에 거절된 앱들에 대한 많은 문제보고가 있음 • package:rfw와 같은 UI-push 대체 솔루션이 있음. ◦ 코드푸시를 대채 하기는 어려움
2022 Update • Latest status here is that nobody working on Flutter's release processes currently has expressed an interest in implementing this. • 기여 ◦ Discord: ◦ #hackers-releases 2018 C%9D%80%20%EB%82%A0
Early to new and emerging architectures Continued focus on developer experience Impeller Shaders for web and mobile 3D support Element embedding JNIgen and FFIgen WebAssembly RISC-V Language features Sound null safety Flutter News Toolkit
there are over 700,000 apps in the Play Store that are built with Flutter, and one in five new apps on the Play Store use Flutter ◦ Unlike traditional web frameworks, Flutter looks beyond the DOM and JavaScript to a new generation of Canvas and WebAssembly based APIs. Flutter in 2023: strategy and roadmap
fragmentation • continue to advance Dart tastefully and carefully • eradicate jank and other performance impediments with minimal customer effort • deliver unparalleled performance on all platforms • reduce or eliminate friction when calling system APIs • build in supply-chain security without impeding non-Google contributors • build an ecosystem that is self-sustaining • maintain and grow our reputation for quality • win a reputation with design agencies and iOS developers • close API and package divergences between platforms • grow the diversity of our community • support or integrate emerging ways of building UI, such as ML code completion and low-code tools.