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炎炎夏日學 Android 課程 - Part3: Android app 實作

炎炎夏日學 Android 課程 - Part3: Android app 實作

炎炎夏日學 Android 課程 - Part3: Android app 實作
(Kotlin EveryWhere 活動)

Johnny Sung

June 30, 2019

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  1. 所需⼯工具 • Method Draw 線上編輯圖片⼯工具
 https://editor.method.ac/ • App Icon Generator

    線上 App icon 產⽣生⼯工具
 https://appicon.co/ • JSON Editor Online 線上 JSON 編輯⼯工具
  2. class SunsetResponse { var results: SunsetResult? = null var status:

    String? = null } class SunsetResult { var sunset: String? = null }
  3. class ExampleUnitTest { @Test fun addition_isCorrect() { // Arrange val

    expected = 4 // Act val actual = 2 + 2 // Assert assertEquals(expected, actual) } } Arrange 準備 Act 執⾏行行 Aessrt 驗證
  4. Arrange 準備 Act 執⾏行行 Aessrt 驗證 @Test fun testJSON() {

    // Arrange val json = "{\"results\":{\"sunrise\":\"2019-06-28T21:17:03+00:00\",\"sunset\":\"2019-06-29T10:47:28+00:00\",\"solar_noon\": \"2019-06-29T04:02:16+00:00\",\"day_length\":48625,\"civil_twilight_begin\":\"2019-06-28T20:52:00+00:00\",\"civil_twilight_end\": \"2019-06-29T11:12:31+00:00\",\"nautical_twilight_begin\":\"2019-06-28T20:22:00+00:00\",\"nautical_twilight_end\": \"2019-06-29T11:42:31+00:00\",\"astronomical_twilight_begin\":\"2019-06-28T19:50:46+00:00\",\"astronomical_twilight_end\": \"2019-06-29T12:13:46+00:00\"},\"status\":\"OK\"}" val excepted = "2019-06-29T10:47:28+00:00" // Act val gson = Gson() val obj = gson.fromJson(json, SunsetResponse::class.java) // Assert Assert.assertEquals(excepted, obj.results?.sunset) } }
  5. Arrange 準備 Act 執⾏行行 Aessrt 驗證 輸入的資料 期待成功的資料 class SunsetUnitTest

    { @Test fun testFormatter() { val sunsetTime = "2019-06-24T10:46:49+00:00" val expected = Date(1561373209000) val result = SunsetDateUtil.dateFormater.parse(sunsetTime) assertEquals(expected.time, result.time) } }
  6. class NetworkManager { companion object { val instance: NetworkManager by

    lazy { NetworkManager() } } val mainHandler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) inline fun <reified T> requestAsync(request: Request, typeToken: Type): Promise<T, Exception, Double> { val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient() val gson = GsonBuilder().create() val deferred = DeferredObject<T, Exception, Double>() okHttpClient.newCall(request).promise().then { okhttpResponse -> val strResult = okhttpResponse.body()?.string() try { val result = gson.fromJson<T>(strResult, typeToken) if (okhttpResponse.isSuccessful) { mainHandler.post { deferred.resolve(result) } } else { mainHandler.post { deferred.reject(Exception(strResult)) } } } catch (e: Exception) { mainHandler.post { deferred.reject(e) } } }.fail { deferred.reject(it) } return deferred.promise() } } fun Call.promise(): Promise<Response, Exception, Double> { val deferred = DeferredObject<Response, Exception, Double>() this.enqueue(object : Callback { override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) { deferred.resolve(response) } override fun onFailure(call: Call, e: IOException) { deferred.reject(e) } }) return deferred.promise() } 補檔案 NetworkManager.kt
  7. object NetworkAPI { fun getSunsetDataAsync(): Promise<SunsetResponse, Exception, Double> { val

    okhttpRequest = Request.Builder() .url("https://api.sunrise-sunset.org/json?lat=22.604098&lng=120.3001811&date=today&formatted=0") .method("GET", null) .build() val type = object : TypeToken<SunsetResponse>() {}.type return NetworkManager.instance.requestAsync(okhttpRequest, type) } }