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We, programmers, are responsible for the architecture of the software we build. But, usually, we let others decide how we structure our systems.

Our applications solve a problem following the rules of a domain. Our
main task is building a software model of that domain. That model is the core, the soul of our system, and we usually sell it to the highest bidder.

In this talk I'll talk about domain models. We will discuss the the part they should play in our application and how its presence benefits the practices that, we, XP practitioners, love.

This talk is in Spanish and was given during XPDay 2013 in Madrid.

Javier Acero

April 23, 2013

More Decks by Javier Acero

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  1. Business Logic is a non-technical term generally used to describe

    the functional algorithms that handle information exchange between a database and a user interface. - Wikipedia
  2. Business Logic is a non-technical term generally used to describe

    the functional algorithms that handle information exchange between a database and a user interface. - Wikipedia oh boy...
  3. - Martin Fowler, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Business Logic

    is the work the application needs to do for the domain it’s working with.
  4. simple easy to understand works great with simple datasources makes

    transaction boundaries visible 00 { ADVANTAGES
  5. 00 {duplicated code procedural code duplicated code procedural code duplicated

    code procedural code duplicated code procedural code ADVANTAGES DIS
  6. avoids duplication better than a transaction script 00 { ADVANTAGES

    helps overcoming the relational - oo mismatch
  7. 00 { ADVANTAGES DIS modeling limited by and tied to

    the data model mechanisms basic to OOP like polymorphism are not available
  8. ADVANTAGES - Martin Fowler, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture The

    Object Oriented way of implementing business logic.
  9. 00 {the hardest to comprehend data sources get more complex

    overhead for simple business logic ADVANTAGES DIS
  10. The icons and images used in this presentation were found

    using Google and belong to their respective authors. The Database Slide was taken from @unclebob’s talk at Ruby Midwest 2011 Credit
  11. Here is where I found them: Credit Spaghetti: http://goo.gl/KrGiL Zombie

    1: http://goo.gl/mHiYe Zombie 2: http://goo.gl/hk8i0 Zombie Apocalypse: http://goo.gl/7IIK6 Tool: http://goo.gl/75Svb