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Falling For Flutter: A web developer's journey ...

Falling For Flutter: A web developer's journey to the app store and how you can do the same

Taking the leap from web to mobile development can be intimidating. There are countless tools and frameworks competing for your attention, it can be hard to know where to begin. You may be familiar with React Native, Cordova or Xamarin - but have you considered Flutter?

Flutter is a cross-platform UI framework created by Google. With a delightful developer experience and a focus on polished, performant UI, Flutter provides a refreshing alternative for cross-platform app development.

This is the story of how I fell in love with Flutter, how it helped me achieve my goals, and how it could help you do the same. We will talk about what makes Flutter different from the alternatives, play with some code, and hopefully inspire you to pursue the idea that you wrote on a napkin that one time.

Jacob Impson

August 03, 2019

Other Decks in Programming


  1. A web developer’s journey to the app store, and how

    you can do the same Falling For Flutter @jacobimpson #dddperth Room M8 11:50am
  2. A web developer’s journey to the app store, and how

    you can do the same Falling For Flutter @jacobimpson #dddperth
  3. Resources Official Getting Started https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install 
 https://flutter.dev/docs/development/ui/widgets Great CSS Tricks

    Article https://css-tricks.com/flutter-googles- take-on-cross-platform/ Youtube Channels - The Flutter Boring Development Show - Official Flutter Channel (Widget of the week) - MTECHVIRAL Flutter By Example https://flutterbyexample.com/ Its All Widgets https://itsallwidgets.com/ Music Demo App https://github.com/jacobimpson/ flutter-music-player #dddperth Email - jacobimpson@gmail.com Tweet - @jacobimpson