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Shining a light on critical reading through online annotations: Explorations into the use of hypothes.is in the classroom

Shining a light on critical reading through online annotations: Explorations into the use of hypothes.is in the classroom

Presentation given at the iAnnotate conference in San Francisco, USA. http://iannotate.org/ and at the Digital Pedagogy Symposium at the University of Victoria in Victoria, Canada.

Juan Pablo Alperin

May 06, 2017

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  1. Shining a light on critical reading through online annotations EXPLORATIONS

  2. my motivations promoting open access to knowledge asserting the public

    mission of universities fostering civic engagement YOURS MAY BE DIFFERENT
  3. teaching students to be more “open” 1. make all readings

    Open Access 2. have students annotate them openly 3. have students publish all their work 4. give student feedback through annotations 5. have students openly review each other optional: 6. use open data IN 5 EASY STEPS
  4. pedagogical advantages v avenue for participation for students who do

    not feel comfortable sharing their thoughts in a classroom setting; v gives students a window into how other students read; v causes students to read closely, without skimming, all the way to the end of each text; v exposes what students found interesting and how they interpreted the text. TO BE TESTED EMPIRICALLY
  5. I enjoyed reading the annotations alongside the text, primarily because

    it helps me engage with the text at the sentence level. I am a product of an educational system where annotation and critical reading was not encouraged, and not taught, so using the Hypothes.is tool really helps me understand how to read critically as opposed to just absorbing information. I've actually asked my friends (students and professors) outside Vancouver to use this tool! “ ”
  6. 2,340 annotations spanning 94 documents (average of 25 and median

    19 annotations/document) max of 102 annotations on one doc
  7. what worked well most students do seem to engage well

    with the texts students report annotations are helpful made it easier to customize each weeks lesson plan
  8. what still needs work students still primarily motivated by grades

    students did not go back to texts multiple times
  9. things to try next assess various aspects of learning: ◦

    course content ◦ critical reading skills ◦ quality of annotations experiment with additional features: ◦ “like” button ◦ notifications
  10. thank you @JUANCOMMANDER [email protected] This work was supported by the

    Institute for the Studies of Teaching in the Disciplines at SFU though Teaching and Learning Development Grant G0172