text-b a sed g a me you cre a ted for Assignment 1 into the interf a ce. Your implement a tion should include the following fe a tures: • Dr a g- a nd-Drop Disk Movement: Implement dr a g- a nd-drop function a lity to a llow users to move disks a cross poles. • Re a l-Time Move V a lid a tion: Ensure re a l-time checks a re in pl a ce to prevent inv a lid moves, such a s pl a cing a l a rger disk on top of a sm a ller one on the s a me pole. • Hint System for Assist a nce: Provide a hint fe a ture to a ssist the user by suggesting the next optim a l move when requested. • Applic a tion of Design P a tterns: Utilize a ppropri a te softw a re design p a tterns to cre a te a structured a nd e ff icient solution. • The f in a l GUI should o ff er a n intuitive experience, m a king it e a sy for users to inter a ct with the g a me while enforcing a ll g a me rules e ff ectively. • 30
javiergs@calpoly.edu Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.