your Source Code - submit your J a v a f iles b) Softw a re Design - your UML cl a ss di a gr a m c) Metrics (Code a nd Structure) d) Links to your GitHub repository e) Link to your video of the Fin a l Present a tion 4
your project. Show your project running. :: notes :: you c a n, a ddition a lly, t a lk (brie f ly) a bout your propos a l, i.e., the next fe a tures to be a dded 6
nd cl a ss di a gr a m. (Show wh a t is import a nt a nd m a ke it e a sy to re a d for the a udience) :: notes :: (you c a n use colors for the newly a dded cl a sses) • Wh a t did you do th a t m a ke this design “good”. • Do you a chieve SOLID? • Do you improve A, I, or D? (show the 2D plot reg a rding where your cl a sses a re in terms of the p a in zone) 8
a di a gr a m with boxes is f ine) • Describe your design. Could it be e a sy for a new developer to reuse, modify or extend wh a t you h a ve cre a ted? • Show a cl a ss di a gr a m (Expl a in it a nd describe the det a ils) • Be sure the di a gr a m a nd code m a tch. • Wh a t components were developed by e a ch te a m member? Wh a t were the criteri a for splitting the work (components, cl a sses, methods)? 9
DRY, a nd KIS • Code Metrics: LOC, eLOC, lLOC, CC • Structure Metrics: Abstr a ctness, Inst a bility, Dist a nce • Does the product h a ve a “good” qu a lity? • Wh a t fe a tures were Unit Tested? • Services? 12
the latest version from the GitHub release and know how to run it? •Consider using a JMenuBar, JPopupMenu •Consider making your JAR fi le executable (see next) 14 Summer 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC305 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.