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UP Lecture 01

UP Lecture 01

Course Presentation

Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez

December 04, 2023

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Other Decks in Programming


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    X,E,G,O,O #e1,I,I,0,7 @ OPR 19, AX STO x, AX LIT 5, AX OPR 21, AX LOD #e1,AX CAL 1, AX OPR 0, AX 5 Virtual Machine (interpreter) // sorce code int x; int foo () { read (x); print (5); } main () { foo (); } Lexer Parser Semantic Analyzer Code Generation 01001010101000010 01010100101010010 10100100000011011 11010010110101111 00010010101010010 10101001010101011 Assembler compilation execution
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  8. jgs Compilers Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Spring 2025 Copyright. These

    slides can only be used as study material for the Compilers course at Universidad Panamericana. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.