The workflowr R package helps scientists organize their research in a way that promotes effective project management, reproducibility, collaboration, and sharing of results. workflowr combines literate programming (knitr and rmarkdown) and version control (Git, via git2r) to generate a website containing time-stamped, versioned, and documented results. Any R user can quickly and easily adopt workflowr, which includes four key features: (1) workflowr automatically creates a directory structure for organizing data, code, and results; (2) workflowr uses the version control system Git to track different versions of the code and results without the user needing to understand Git syntax; (3) to support reproducibility, workflowr automatically includes code version information in webpages displaying results and; (4) workflowr facilitates online Web hosting (e.g. GitHub Pages) to share results. Our goal is that workflowr will make it easier for scientists to organize and communicate reproducible research results. Documentation and source code are available at