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Exploring the Scala's Tooling Ecosystem

Exploring the Scala's Tooling Ecosystem

Jeferson David Ossa

June 14, 2019

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  1. What are tools used for? Editing, compiling and testing, ...

    learning, experimenting, analysing, reviewing code, debugging, dependency management, publishing, versioning, benchmarking, creating other tools, ... coffee, ...
  2. LSP: Language Server Protocol The Language Server Protocol defines the

    protocol used between an editor or an IDE and a language server that provides language features like auto complete, go to definition, find all references, etc.
  3. Editors/IDEs supporting the LSP • IntelliJ • Eclipse IDE •

    VS code • Atom • Sublime Text 3 • vim8/neovim • Emacs See ls.org and ms.lsp for the latest on adoption.
  4. Metals Works with: vs-code, atom, vim, Sublime text 3, Emacs.

    Uses BSP to communicate LS and build tools. “Our goal in Metals is to support code navigation with as low CPU and memory overhead as possible without sacrificing rich functionality.”
  5. Metals v0.7.6 - Thorium • Automatic import build for Gradle,

    Maven and Mill • Auto-fill option to case classes and functions • Code completions on keywords • Deduce values for named parameters completion • Compilation explorer • Add support for Scala 2.13 and JDK 11 • Coming soon: rename symbols, find definition, DAP, worksheets and much more!
  6. SemanticDB • Portable semantic APIs • Data schema for semantic

    information about code. • Relevant for developer tools. • Protobuf, JSON, SQL. • Do not require a running compiler.
  7. BSP: Build Server Protocol • Extends LSP • Formalizes interaction

    between editors, LS, editors, build tools • Bidirectional notifications, • Client/server architecture. • Clients are build tools, LS and editors/IDEs. • Language agnostic. • JSON-RPC-protobuf.
  8. Bloop • sbt, Maven, Gradle and Mill. • IntelliJ and

    Metals (VS Code, Sublime, vim and Atom) • Provides fast compile, test and run • Has a built-in command-line tool • Integrates with most JVM build tools • Supports JVM, Scala.js and Scala Native
  9. Bloop (v1.3.2) • Compiling deduplication • Compiling isolation • Zipkin

    tracing support • Use Ammonite by default in bloop console • Support for Scala 2.13.x, JDK 9 & 11 • Improvements in build tools support
  10. (v1.3.3) • Out-of-box Coursier integration • Better classloader management •

    IO improvements • Custom incremental tasks • SemanticDB support • JDK 11 support
  11. Mill • Build tools as Pure functional programs • Fast

    and Flexible • Targets with caching • Inspectale cache graph • Commands • Can act as a build server • Play framework and Bloop support • Support for Dotty
  12. Seed • Builds are describe in a TOML file •

    Handles dependency resolution via coursier • Generates configurations for Bloop and Intellij • BSP server integration using ZIO • Cross-platform support (JVM, JS, LLVM) • Cross-compile modular projects made easy
  13. Pants • Source based dependency tool • Aims to large

    code bases • Monorepo environments • Fast • Scalable • dependency inference from source-code imports
  14. Bazel (v1.0) • Reproducible builds • Fast and correct builds

    • Heavy caching • Enforces build correctness • Large codebases • Multi-language, multi-platform • Allow builds to scale
  15. TL;DR Tools that work with my editor => LSP Build

    integrations => BSP Navigation => SemanticDB, TASTy Refactoring => scalafix Diagnostics => BSP + LSP