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Reactive Systems with Lagom Framework

Reactive Systems with Lagom Framework

Eduardo Costa

November 07, 2017

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  1. CQRS Event Sourcing Streams Circuit Breaker Service Locator Message Broker

    Domain Driven Design Kafka Cassandra Back Pressure API Gateway Embedded concepts and technologies
  2. Service Descriptor trait ItemService extends Service { def createItem: ServiceCall[Item,

    Item] def startAuction(id: UUID): ServiceCall[NotUsed, Done] def getItem(id: UUID): ServiceCall[NotUsed, Item] def getItemsForUser(id: UUID, status: ItemStatus.Status, limit: Option[Int], offset: Option[Int]): ServiceCall[NotUsed, PaginatedSequence[ItemSummary]] final override def descriptor = { import Service._ named("item").withCalls( pathCall("/api/item", createItem), restCall(Method.POST, "/api/item/:id/start", startAuction _), pathCall("/api/item/:id", getItem _), pathCall("/api/item?userId&status&limit&offset", getItemsForUser _) )
  3. Implementing services class ItemServiceImpl(registry: PersistentEntityRegistry, itemRepository: ItemRepository) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext)

    extends ItemService { override def startAuction(id: UUID) = authenticated(userId => ServerServiceCall { _ => entityRef(id).ask(StartAuction(userId)) }) override def getItem(id: UUID) = ServerServiceCall { _ => entityRef(id).ask(GetItem).map { case Some(item) => convertItem(item) case None => throw NotFound(s"Item $id not found") } } private def entityRef(itemId: UUID) = registry.refFor[ItemEntity](itemId.toString)
  4. Circuit-Breaker named("item").withCalls( pathCall("/api/item", createItem), restCall(Method.POST, "/api/item/:id/start", startAuction _), pathCall("/api/item/:id", getItem

    _), pathCall("/api/item?userId&status&pageNo&pageSize", getItemsForUser _) ).withCircuitBreaker(CircuitBreaker.identifiedBy("item-resources"))
  5. Circuit-Breaker lagom.circuit-breaker { # Default configuration that is used if

    a configuration section # with the circuit breaker identifier is not defined. default { # Possibility to disable a given circuit breaker. enabled = on # Number of failures before opening the circuit. max-failures = 10 # Duration of time after which to consider a call a failure. call-timeout = 10s # Duration of time in open state after which to attempt to close # the circuit, by first entering the half-open state. reset-timeout = 15s } }
  6. Persistence Entity class AuctionEntity extends PersistentEntity { import AuctionStatus._ override

    type State = AuctionState override type Command = AuctionCommand override type Event = AuctionEvent override def initialState: AuctionState = AuctionState.notStarted override def behavior: Behavior = { case AuctionState(_, NotStarted, _) => notStarted case AuctionState(_, UnderAuction, _) => underAuction case AuctionState(_, Complete, _) => complete case AuctionState(_, Cancelled, _) => cancelled
  7. Persistence Entity trait AuctionCommand case class AuctionState(auction: Option[Auction], status: AuctionStatus.Status,

    biddingHistory: Seq[Bid]) object AuctionState { implicit val format: Format[AuctionState] = Json.format val notStarted = AuctionState(None, AuctionStatus.NotStarted, Nil) def start(auction: Auction) = ??? } trait AuctionEvent extends AggregateEvent[AuctionEvent] { override def aggregateTag: AggregateEventTagger[AuctionEvent] = AuctionEvent.Tag } object AuctionEvent { val Tag = AggregateEventTag.sharded[AuctionEvent](numShards = 4) }
  8. Persistence Entity private val underAuction = { getAuction orElse {

    Actions().onReadOnlyCommand[StartAuction, Done] { case (StartAuction(_), ctx, _) => ctx.reply(Done) }.onCommand[PlaceBid, PlaceBidResult] { case (placeBid: PlaceBid, ctx, state) => handlePlaceBidWhileUnderAuction(placeBid, ctx, state) }.onCommand[FinishBidding.type, Done] { case (FinishBidding, ctx, state) => ctx.thenPersist(BiddingFinished)(_ => ctx.reply(Done)) }.onEvent { case (BidPlaced(bid), state) => state.bid(bid) case (BiddingFinished, state) => state.withStatus(Complete) } } orElse cancelActions }
  9. Persistence Entity private def getAuction = { Actions().onReadOnlyCommand[GetAuction.type, AuctionState] {

    case (GetAuction, ctx, state) => ctx.reply(state) } } private def cancelActions = { Actions() .onCommand[CancelAuction.type, Done] { case (CancelAuction, ctx, _) => ctx.thenPersist(AuctionCancelled)(_ => ctx.reply(Done)) }.onEvent { case (AuctionCancelled, state) => state.withStatus(Cancelled) } }
  10. Read-Side Repository class TransactionRepository(session: CassandraSession) private def selectByStatus(userId: UUID, status:

    Status, offset: Int, limit: Int) = { session.selectAll(""" SELECT * FROM transactionSummaryByUserAndStatus WHERE userId = ? AND status = ? ORDER BY status ASC, itemId DESC LIMIT ? """, userId, status.toString, Integer.valueOf(limit)) map { rows => rows.drop(offset).map(convertTransactionSummary) } } private def convertTransactionSummary(row: Row) = { TransactionSummary( row.getUUID("itemId"), row.getUUID("creatorId"), ///
  11. Read-Side EventProcessor class TransactionEventProcessor(session: CassandraSession, readSide: CassandraReadSide) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext)

    extends ReadSideProcessor[TransactionEvent] { override def buildHandler() = readSide .builder[TransactionEvent]("transactionEventOffset") .setGlobalPrepare(createTables) .setPrepare(_ => prepareStatements()) .setEventHandler[TransactionStarted](e => insertTransaction)) .setEventHandler[DeliveryDetailsApproved](_ => updateStatus(PaymenyPending)) .setEventHandler[PaymentDetailsSubmitted](_ => updateStatus(PaymentSubmitted)) .setEventHandler[PaymentApproved](_ => updateStatus(PaymentConfirmed)) .setEventHandler[PaymentRejected](_ => updateStatus(PaymentPending)) .build
  12. Topics in the service descriptors def itemEvents: Topic[ItemEvent] final override

    def descriptor = { import Service._ named("item").withCalls( pathCall("/api/item/:id", getItem _), ).withTopics(topic("item-ItemEvent", this.itemEvents) .addProperty(KafkaProperties.partitionKeyStrategy, PartitionKeyStrategy[ItemEvent](_.itemId.toString))
  13. Subscribe topics class BrokerEventConsumer(indexedStore: IndexedStore[SearchResult], itemService: ItemService) { itemService .itemEvents

    .subscribe .withGroupId("search-service") .atLeastOnce(Flow[ItemEvent] .map(toDocument) .collect { case Some(x) => x } .mapAsync(parallelism = 4)(indexedStore.store))
  14. Topic producers override def itemEvents = TopicProducer.taggedStreamWithOffset(ItemEvent.Tag.allTags.toList) { (tag, offset)

    => registry .eventStream(tag, offset) .filter { _.event match { case x@(_: ItemCreated | _: AuctionStarted | _: AuctionFinished) => true case _ => false } }.mapAsync(parallelism = 4)(convertEvent)