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03 Full-Stack Application Development Experienc...

03 Full-Stack Application Development Experience in Kotlin. Sergey Shkredov, New Product Team Lead.


May 17, 2018

More Decks by JetBrainsRU

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Full-Stack Server: • Exposed • KTOR • Elastic • Redis

    Web: • React IDEA: • Swing Android: • Kotlin IOS: • React native More: • Desktop • iOS
  2. Kotlin JS • JS Generator • Kotlin stdlib for js

    • DOM api • Platform interop (dynamic, annotations, external) • js(“”) • CommonJS/AMD/UMD
  3. MPP

  4. MPP

  5. MPP • Native platforms • More specific JVM and JS

    platforms • Cross platform libraries
  6. API • RMI vs RPC • Live updates • Optimistic

    updates • Data query (graph QL) • Http fallback • Caching
  7. API • Interface based • Event sourcing • Object updates

    steaming • Specialised APIes • Transport level caching