➢ CEO DevHack. ➢ Consultant and advisor on SOA, software architecture and software development. ➢ Experience in several languages and platforms. (C, C#, Java, NodeJS, android, GCP, Firebase). ➢ Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Firebase ➢ BS in System Engineering and a MS in Software Engineering. ➢ @jggomez ➢ [email protected] <vanity> </vanity>
Google cloud support ➢ JSON format. ➢ Cross Platform. ➢ Store and sync data for client and server-side development. ➢ Offline support. ➢ Integration with other firebase and Google Platform products.
NoSQL data model. ➢ Documents are stored in collections. ➢ Documents support many different data types, from simple strings and numbers, to complex, nested objects ➢ You can also create subcollections within documents and build hierarchical data structures that scale as your database grows. ➢ Querying in Cloud Firestore is expressive, efficient, and flexible.