enabling the application to communicate through the exchange of message. JMS connector is capable of sending and receiving message to and from Topics/Queues. JMS supports two models for messaging • Queue (Point to Point) • Topic (Publish-Subscribe)
also called as a Point To Point communication. • Sender will delivers message to queue and single receivers will pick the message from queue. • Receiver doesn't needs to listen to queue at the time when message is sent to queue.
also called as a Publish Subscribe communication. • Publisher will deliver message to topic and it will be received by all subscribers who are actively listening to topic. • Subscriber will miss the published message if it is not actively listening to the topic unless message are made durable.
connector at Message Source section in Mule Flow. Configure the connector properties like Display Name, Topic and click on Add Connector Configuration, it will open another window then select JMS of your choice. In this case we will select ActiveMQ and press OK.
to add ActiveMQ jar file in your project. Drag and Drop the jar file (e.g. activemq-all-5.6.0.jar) into your project and go to Package Explorer pane of your application and right click then select Build Path < Add to Build Path.
connector at the middle or end of the flow (basically in the Message Processor region). Configure JMS connector in same way as we have done for Publishing the message to topic. You need to add Active MQ jar file for subscribing the message to topic as it has been explained in this presentation in previous slides.