to set or remove a variable on message. The scope variables is limited to the flow where it is set, when message leaves the flow, the variable doesn’t carry to next flow or application. Types of Variable Transformer ❖Flow Variable Transformer ❖Session Variable Transformer ❖Property Transformer
or remove the variable tied to message in current flow. Variables set by flow variable transformer is persist for the current flow and cannot cross the transport barrier. Flow variable can be accessed in current flow, calling flow (sub flow/private flow) and even their child flow.
or remove the variable tied to current message for its entire lifecycle, across multiple flows and even servers. Variables set by session variable transformer is persist for the entire lifecycle regardless of transport barrier. Session variable can be accessed in current flow, calling/child, flow within entire project and even JVM systems.
copy the properties on outbound scope of a message. Once a message hits an outbound-connector, all properties in the outbound scope are sent with the message, in the form of transport-specific metadata (HTTP headers for an HTTP outbound-connector, for example).