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The perfect CFP for your community

Julien Landuré
July 25, 2018

The perfect CFP for your community

The perfect CFP for your community
At Cloud Next San Francisco

It was about the evolution of DevFest Nantes and why we created a new CFP to get proposals, review it, make decision and share the platform in a OpenSource way.

Julien Landuré

July 25, 2018

More Decks by Julien Landuré


  1. Julien Landuré @jlandure Julien Landuré GDG & DevFest Nantes Organizer

    GDE Cloud #Web #Node #Golang #Cloud #AppEngine #CloudFoundry #Docker CTO Zenika - France
  2. Back in 2012 2013 2014 We used to manipulate a

    gForms... https://devfest2014.gdgnantes.com https://devfest2013.gdgnantes.com http://devfest2012.gdgnantes.com
  3. Back in 2015 2016 We created a first project to

    handle the CFP https://github.com/GDG-Nantes/callForPaper https://devfest2016.gdgnantes.com https://devfest2015.gdgnantes.com
  4. Back in 2017 We used a new platform (fork from

    ours) https://github.com/cfpio/callForPapers https://devfest2017.gdgnantes.com
  5. Pros # Open # Scale # DRY # Beautiful UI

    / UX # For events and meetups # Create a CFPaaS