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CMMMASS - Metrics 1.pdf

John Manoochehri
February 02, 2013

CMMMASS - Metrics 1.pdf

John Manoochehri

February 02, 2013

More Decks by John Manoochehri


  1. What is architecture? Optimisation of desirables vs constraints What is

    sustainability? New constraints What is sustainable architecture? Architecture for a world with new constraints
  2. What is (sustainable) architecture? Disconnecting from fossil ‘opportunities’ Making desirables

    out of constraints (Re)-connecting to solar opportunities and constraints
  3. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  4. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? > Power > Benefit distribution SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  5. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? > Power > Benefit distribution Conditioned behaviour by objects? SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  6. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? > Power > Benefit distribution Conditioned behaviour by objects? > Positive and negative conditioning! (cars > bicycles) SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  7. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? > Power > Benefit distribution Conditioned behaviour by objects? > Positive and negative conditioning! (cars > bicycles) Future Use? SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  8. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? > Power > Benefit distribution Conditioned behaviour by objects? > Positive and negative conditioning! (cars > bicycles) Future Use? > Positive & negative future use (waste >design for recycling/durability) SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  9. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? > Power > Benefit distribution Conditioned behaviour by objects? > Positive and negative conditioning! (cars > bicycles) Future Use? > Positive & negative future use (waste >design for recycling/durability) SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  10. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? > Power > Benefit distribution Conditioned behaviour by objects? > Positive and negative conditioning! (cars > bicycles) Future Use? > Positive & negative future use (waste >design for recycling/durability) SCALE & PROBABILITY ! (system view > objects) SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  11. Systems Within constraints, over repeating time unit (90% by 2050)

    Objects Equal resource allocation? > Power > Benefit distribution Conditioned behaviour by objects? > Positive and negative conditioning! (cars > bicycles) Future Use? > Positive & negative future use (waste >design for recycling/durability) SCALE & PROBABILITY ! (system view > objects) 90% by 2050 SUSTAINABLE - SYSTEMS vs OBJECTS
  12. U value = W/m2/K METRIC APPLICATION OBSERVATION Measurement of insulation

    capacity W = J/s K = thermal gradient R = /actual/ insulating capacity
  13. Raw Data (Cardinal): Carbon, Energy, Resources, Nature Aggregate Data (Ordinal):

    Footprint, Assessment Tools Supply-chain (Longitudinal): LCA METRICS
  14. Raw Data (Cardinal): Carbon, Energy, Resources, Nature Aggregate Data (Ordinal):

    Footprint, Assessment Tools Supply-chain (Longitudinal): LCA METRICS
  15. Raw Data (Cardinal): Carbon, Energy, Resources, Nature Aggregate Data (Ordinal):

    Footprint, Assessment Tools Supply-chain (Longitudinal): LCA Industry Tools: LEED, BREEAM, BIM/LCA/PLD METRICS
  16. Raw Data (Cardinal): Carbon, Energy, Resources, Nature Aggregate Data (Ordinal):

    Footprint, Assessment Tools Supply-chain (Longitudinal): LCA Industry Tools: LEED, BREEAM, BIM/LCA/PLD METRICS
  17. METRICS Raw Data (Cardinal) Carbon, Energy, Resources, Nature Others? Measurement?

    Sustainability? Decisions? ISSUES Information Lack? > Gaps in available/convenient/reliable information?
  18. METRICS Raw Data (Cardinal) Carbon, Energy, Resources, Nature Others? Measurement?

    Sustainability? Decisions? ISSUES Information Lack? > Gaps in available/convenient/reliable information? Lack of knowledge of limits? > Focus on main parameters & trends?
  19. METRICS Raw Data (Cardinal) Carbon, Energy, Resources, Nature Others? Measurement?

    Sustainability? Decisions? ISSUES Information Lack? > Gaps in available/convenient/reliable information? Lack of knowledge of limits? > Focus on main parameters & trends? Indicator Ease & Applicability > Indexes/Aggregates
  20. METRICS Aggregates (Ordinal; & Cardinal?) Carbon, Energy Others? Measurement? Eco-footprint

    Indexes? ISSUES Quantification: Cardinal vs Ordinal? > Groups of cardinal metrics? Credibility: Who believes this stuff? > What is their real use (marketing)?
  21. METRICS Aggregates (Ordinal; & Cardinal?) Carbon, Energy Others? Measurement? Eco-footprint

    Indexes? ISSUES Quantification: Cardinal vs Ordinal? > Groups of cardinal metrics? Credibility: Who believes this stuff? > What is their real use (marketing)? Governance: Who decides this stuff? > Can architects invent their own?
  22. METRICS Aggregates (Ordinal; & Cardinal?) Carbon, Energy Others? Measurement? Eco-footprint

    Indexes? ISSUES Quantification: Cardinal vs Ordinal? > Groups of cardinal metrics? Credibility: Who believes this stuff? > What is their real use (marketing)? Governance: Who decides this stuff? > Can architects invent their own? Sustainability: Is an A-grade really about sustainability? > Or what?
  23. METRICS Supply Chain Data (Longitudinal) LCA using e.g. Carbon, Energy,

    Resources, Nature Other inputs to LCA? Measurement?
  24. METRICS Supply Chain Data (Longitudinal) LCA using e.g. Carbon, Energy,

    Resources, Nature Other inputs to LCA? Measurement? Sustainability? Decisions?
  25. METRICS Supply Chain Data (Longitudinal) LCA using e.g. Carbon, Energy,

    Resources, Nature Other inputs to LCA? Measurement? Sustainability? Decisions? ISSUES
  26. METRICS Supply Chain Data (Longitudinal) LCA using e.g. Carbon, Energy,

    Resources, Nature Other inputs to LCA? Measurement? Sustainability? Decisions? ISSUES Partitioning? > Where is the boundary of responsibility for any object?
  27. METRICS Supply Chain Data (Longitudinal) LCA using e.g. Carbon, Energy,

    Resources, Nature Other inputs to LCA? Measurement? Sustainability? Decisions? ISSUES Partitioning? > Where is the boundary of responsibility for any object? Functional Unit? > Measuring what really matters?
  28. METRICS Supply Chain Data (Longitudinal) LCA using e.g. Carbon, Energy,

    Resources, Nature Other inputs to LCA? Measurement? Sustainability? Decisions? ISSUES Partitioning? > Where is the boundary of responsibility for any object? Functional Unit? > Measuring what really matters? Information/Subjectivity? > Standard cardinal/ordinal problems
  29. METRICS Raw Data (Cardinal): Carbon, Energy, Resources, Nature Aggregate Data

    (Ordinal): Footprint Supply-chain (Longitudinal): LCA Industry Tools: LEED, BREEAM, BIM/LCA/PLD
  30. METHODS What is architectural method? Beyond random squishing together of

    variables, consider metrics, then functional recomposition of programme, then signature moves
  31. 17 Urban Villa Row House Courtyard Highrise House High Rise

    Office Educational Industrial Rural Dwelling Mixed Use Urban