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NOW - KKH - 281009.pdf

John Manoochehri
February 02, 2013

NOW - KKH - 281009.pdf

John Manoochehri

February 02, 2013

More Decks by John Manoochehri



  2. HDI = LE ! 25 85 ! 25 " #

    $ % & ' + 2 3 ( ALI + 1 3 ( GEI " # $ % & ' + log GDPpc ( )! log 100 ( ) log 40000 ( )! log 100 ( ) " # $ % & ' 3 DEVELOPMENT 1 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX
  3. DEVELOPMENT 2 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT Input interpretation: United States GDP

    nominal annual Latest result: $14.44 trillion per year US dollars per year⇥ ⇥2.6 ⇥ 2008⇥ History: log scale⇥ 1940 1960 1980 2000 100 1000 104 from 1929 to 2008; in billions of US dollars per year⇥
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  5. Algebra & Zero Positional Number Systems Difference Engine Boolean Logic

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  6. Material Accumulation Measurement Rhetoric Standard of Living vs Quality of

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  7. Material Accumulation Measurement Rhetoric Standard of Living vs Quality of

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  9. Material Accumulation Measurement Rhetoric Standard of Living vs Quality of

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  11. Material Accumulation Measurement Rhetoric Standard of Living vs Quality of

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  13. (Linear) Progress Quantitative Measures Objective Present Moment Same for Everyone

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