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Cyber Sleuth: Finding Hidden Connections in Cyb...

Cyber Sleuth: Finding Hidden Connections in Cyber Data

There are so many bits that fight to occupy our time and attention. How do we know what is critical to prioritize and how it impacts other things? This is true of our every day personal and professional lives, but is especially true in the cyber world. In this session, we will see how graph databases focus on the entities and the connections between them to make contextualizing data incredibly simple. We will walk through how to dump cyber data into a graph and use the power of relationships and accompanying tools to uncover hidden connections and patterns. Gathering tips and tricks will help us optimize the model for querying and access the data through queries, visualization, and applications. Join us to harness the power of graph databases to find and act upon critical data for security threats.

Jennifer Reif

May 08, 2024

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  1. Cyber Sleuth: Finding Hidden Connections in Cyber Data Jennifer Reif

    Developer Advocate, Neo4j jennifer.reif@neo4j.com @JMHReif github.com/JMHReif jmhreif.com linkedin.com/in/jmhreif
  2. Who is Jennifer Reif? Developer Advocate, Neo4j • Continuous learner

    • Conference speaker • Tech blogger • Other: geek Jennifer Reif Developer Advocate, Neo4j jennifer.reif@neo4j.com @JMHReif github.com/JMHReif jmhreif.com linkedin.com/in/jmhreif
  3. Cybersecurity tasks Identify and prevent: • Attacks (DOS / Ransomware)

    • Disclosure of private / sensitive data • Unauthorized changes to applications / privileges • Unauthorized account access
  4. How do we fight (all) these? • Separate hardware solution

    tools • Tackle multiple aspects: • (Usual) Internal accounts / exploits • External user accounts (customer + partner) • Exploitation pathways (exposed account) • Multiple action paths: • Reactive • Proactive
  5. Recap The problem(s) • Complex, intricate data • Attackers: looking

    for gaps across many vectors • Several cybersecurity tasks to manage • Need to compile multiple sources • Need to strategize from multiple perspectives
  6. Defenders: lists Row + Column view of data • List

    of access user has • List of groups • List of permissions • List of applications • Lists of steps to perform Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash
  7. Attackers: graphs Entrypoint -> What’s connected • Admin user ->

    workstation -> domain controller • User -> group -> machine <- admin
  8. Networks are connected graphs Holistic view of network • Surface

    hidden connections • Combine data sources for direct/indirect relationships • Provide uni fi ed view • Naturally visual analysis/tooling https://ernw.de/download/BloodHoundWorkshop/ERNW_DogWhispererHandbook.pdf
  9. Graph can help Approach data di ff erently • Minimize

    impacts by • Quickly identify risks • Detect anomalies • Protect systems from multiple vectors
  10. Nodes Graph components • Represent objects or entities • Can

    be labeled • May have properties Order Product Employee orderId: 162468 orderDate: 2019-04-01 productId: 08746589 name: “Ipoh Coffee” id: 247924 startDate: 2016-05-04 position: “Barista”
  11. Relationships Graph components • Must have a type • Must

    have a direction • May have properties • Nodes can have multiple Order Product Employee orderId: 162468 orderDate: 2019-04-01 productId: 08746589 name: “Ipoh Coffee” id: 247924 startDate: 2016-05-04 position: “Barista” CONTAINS date: 2022-08-16 tip: 1.00 SOLD CONTACT CREATED
  12. Label Graph components • A group of nodes • Like

    a category Person Employee Customer
  13. Neo4j Export / Import • Cypher + APOC • ETL

    Tool • Dump fi le (not backward-compatible)
  14. Cypher: powerful and expressive Jennifer Neo4j WORKS_FOR CREATE (:Person {

    name: ‘Jennifer’}) -[:WORKS_FOR]-> (:Company { name: ‘Neo4j’}) NODE PROPERTY NODE PROPERTY LABEL LABEL
  15. APOC library Import CSVs (or other data) • Cypher LOAD

    CSV • apoc.load.<dataFormat> • MERGE (node) • SET properties • APOC functions/procedures for manipulation and cleaning
  16. Resources • Github repository (today’s code): github.com/JMHReif/cybersecurity-sleuth • Sandbox (hands-on

    - cybersecurity): sandbox.neo4j.com/ • GraphAcademy: graphacademy.neo4j.com/ • NODES 2024: dev.neo4j.com/nodes24 Jennifer Reif Developer Advocate, Neo4j jennifer.reif@neo4j.com @JMHReif github.com/JMHReif jmhreif.com linkedin.com/in/jmhreif