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SFU Professional Master's Program (Big Data and Visual Computing)

Jiannan Wang
September 03, 2019

SFU Professional Master's Program (Big Data and Visual Computing)

Dr. Jiannan Wang gave a 5-min speech on the SFU Professional Master's Program at new student orientation sessions. The speech covered program history, student achievement, and advice for new students.

Jiannan Wang

September 03, 2019


  1. SFU Professional Master’s Program in Computing Science Jiannan Wang Director,

    Professional Master's Program School of Computing Science Simon Fraser University Sept 2019 https://www.cs.sfu.ca/~jnwang/
  2. Big Data Cohort 1 Big Data Cohort 4 Visual Computing

    Cohort 1 Have Trained 251 Students
  3. Train the next generation of technical global leaders in strategically

    important areas of society Big Data Visual Computing Launched in 2014 Launched in 2018 Our Vision
  4. Big Data Program is On Fire ~100 238 365 659

    760 1108 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 # Applications 11 X increase in # applications 100% placement for co-op
  5. Visual Computing Program Has a Huge Potential Ranked 7th in

    Computer Vision and Graphics in North America (source: csrankings.org)
  6. Media Coverage and Awards Vancouver hackathon (2017) RBC Amplify competition

    (2017) RBC Amplify competition (2016) Full Article: http://tiny.cc/yt33bz Presentation: http://tiny.cc/pj43bz
  7. Our Vision is Moving Closer to Reality Promoted to a

    leadership position Launched a startup
  8. Advice For New Students • Find Your Job Career •

    Organize meetups/industrial visits • Contribute to open-source projects • Write technical blog posts on Medium • Form a study group to help others to grow • Going For Grades Beyond • Find what you passionate about • Pursue a lifelong goal