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Modernizing rail transit networks with CBTC tec...

Joffrey Lauthier
June 25, 2022

Modernizing rail transit networks with CBTC technology

Future-proofing communication-based train control architectures
Upgrading signaling systems without disrupting service
Seizing the opportunity to automate transit operations

Transit State of Good Repair West Conference
Global Mass Transit
June 29, 2022 - San Francisco, CA

Joffrey Lauthier

June 25, 2022


  1. Modernizing rail transit networks with CBTC technology Joffrey Lauthier Transit

    State of Good Repair West Conference San Francisco, CA | June 29, 2022
  2. Why CBTC? 2 Streetcar, tramway, light rail Automated people mover,

    monorail, metro, heavy rail Airport express railway, commuter rail Intercity, high-speed rail Very high-speed rail PTC Positive Train Control CBTC Communication-Based Train Control CAD/AVL Computer-Aided Dispatch / Automatic Vehicle Location ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System 2 Low speed, drive on sight operations Difficult to automate, sharing the right of way with road vehicles and pedestrians High-frequency operations: designed for up to 60 trains / hour Automation to enable short headways, including unattended train operation Mostly proprietary technology PTC and ERTMS offer interoperability between suppliers Automatic train operation performance still limited
  3. Migration strategies: CBTC overlay New CBTC system deployed on top

    of the existing legacy signaling – sharing only signals and switch machines Allows for testing the new CBTC in shadow running mode 1. train detection 2. train localization 3. train-to-wayside communications 4. train supervision 5. environmental conditions 6. reliability and availability Easier to overlay if no interference between components: Legacy ATC CBTC track circuits axle counters RFID transponders ultra-wideband (UWB) radios wheel sensors inertial measurement units (IMU) speed codes through track circuits free propagation Wi-Fi data communication 3
  4. CBTC migration strategies Dual-equipped train in CBTC mode Dual-equipped train

    in legacy ATC mode Dual-equipped trackside in CBTC mode Dual-equipped trackside in legacy ATC mode Dual-equipped trackside with both legacy ATC mode and CBTC active Train running in legacy ATC mode Train running in CBTC mode Full switch Mixed operations from one independent ATC system to the other, and back trains can operate on either ATC system requires dual trackside equipment, segment fully-equipped requires dual trackside equipment dual onboard equipment, fleet fully-equipped but progressive replacement of the legacy onboard ATC simpler interface between the two signaling systems complex interface between the two signaling systems Modernizing rail transit networks with CBTC technology 4
  5. Automation of metro operations Grade of Automation Train Operation Setting

    train in motion Driving and stopping train Door closure Operation in event of disruption GoA 1 ATP with Driver Driver Driver Driver Driver GoA 2 ATP and ATO with Driver Automatic Driver Driver GoA 3 Driverless (DTO) Automatic Automatic Attendant GoA 4 Unattended (UTO) Automatic Automatic Automatic Automatic IEC 62290-1 – railway applications – urban guided transport management and command/control systems ATP: Automatic Train Protection, ATO: Automatic Train Operation, DTO: Driverless Train Operation, UTO: Unattended Train Operation 5
  6. 6 Automated metros Successful conversion to driverless train operation of

    Nuremberg U-Bahn U3 in 2009 and Paris Line 1 in 2012. Conversion projects* in Europe: o Brussels, L1 and L5 o Copenhagen Fremtidens S-bane o Glasgow, G. Subway o London, Docklands and Piccadilly o Lyon, LA and LB o Marseille, L1 and L2 o Paris, L4 o Vienna, U2/U5 * from UITP Observatory of Automated Metros, Statistics Brief, April 2019. With the addition of Copenhagen Fremtidens S- bane (confirmed) and London Piccadilly Line (to be confirmed) ** UITP World Metro Figures, May 2022 km of fully automated (GoA4) metro infrastructure km 80 lines in service in 2020**
  7. More than just upgrading signaling and train control systems o

    rolling stock o communication systems o yard automation Key consideration: track intrusion detection and obstacle detection o platform screen doors / gates o platform intrusion emergency stop sensor panels Converting to driverless train operations 7
  8. Architecture: distributed vs. centralized Signal equipment room Signal equipment room

    Central control center Central control center Central Control ATC/CBI Object Controller Object Controller Object Controller Object Controller ATC/CBI Central Control Object Controller Object Controller Object Controller ATC/CBI Object Controller reduced signaling equipment footprint, easier and faster to deploy – higher RAM performance in many cases 1 2 8
  9. Train-centric intelligence Traditional Architecture Train control intelligence distributed between wayside

    equipment and the train Train-centric CBTC Train control intelligence within the train ✓ Less equipment ✓ Faster response ✓ Shorter headways Inter- locking Object Controller Central Control Zone Controller Central Control Object Controller Route requests Train movement Train location End of authority Blocks Overlaps Train movement Train location Track resource preemption 9
  10. Software-defined train control Leveraging high-availability, low-latency, secure wired and wireless

    communication networks Facilitates maintenance and future upgrades Cloud-based interlocking systems already in operation Inter- locking Object Controller Central Control Zone Controller Safety- critical cloud Onboard Controller Modernizing rail transit networks with CBTC technology 10
  11. Train-to-wayside communications New radio technologies meet the diverse data transmission

    requirements of rail systems train control – high availability, low latency, low throughput CCTV – high throughput, tolerant of transmission delays 11 Public Safety P25 or TETRA Train Control Wi-Fi #1 Passenger connectivity 5G mmWave and 4G/LTE PA/CIS + CCTV Wi-Fi #2 Vehicle diagnostics LTE Public Safety P25 or TETRA Train Control Passenger connectivity PA/CIS + CCTV Vehicle diagnostics Single 5G or Wi-Fi 6 wireless network: common train-to-wayside communication infrastructure
  12. Innovative train localization Ultra-wideband radio ranging New York MTA pioneering

    the replacement of legacy transponders with UWB radio beacons on future CBTC modernization projects. UWB ranging measures a precise distance between the train and beacons installed along the tracks. Trains compute their position by triangulation with wayside beacons. 12
  13. UWB-based positioning system benefits Wayside Inside cab Inertial Measurement Unit

    Ultra-wideband radio Ultra-wideband radio Underframe equipment: expensive and time- consuming installation and maintenance Track-mounted transponders: impractical for tuning and maintenance In-cab installation performed in four hours, accelerating fleetwide upgrades Smaller onboard sensors footprint allows for train control equipment installation on maintenance vehicles Future compatibility with autonomous operations Between tracks Vehicle underframe Wheel sensor Transponder antenna Track transponder 13
  14. The importance of systems engineering Life-Cycle Cost Impacts from Early

    Phase Decision Making Cost Savings Losses multiply as a project progresses. Solving issues early reduces this impact. Understanding what is required early is key to avoiding surprises later. 14 Modernizing rail transit networks with CBTC technology
  15. WSP's systems engineering approach SI:D3 Systems Integration 1. Develop the

    strategy 2. Define the system 3. Deliver integration 15 Modernizing rail transit networks with CBTC technology
  16. Summary Modernizing rail transit networks with CBTC technology Standards anticipate

    future procurements, system expansion Migration deployment strategy to mitigate risk and impact on operations Automation performance gains from higher level of automation Architecture meet reliability, availability and maintainability targets Technology leverage high- availability wired and wireless networks Integration evolutions required from other rail systems 17