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Einst die erfolgreichsten Facebook Entwickler des Landes, mit allen großen österreichischen Unternehmen als Kunden, haben sich die Socialisten dazu entschieden ihre Strategie um 180 Grad zu ändern und entwickeln nun mit Walls.io und Swat.io ihre eigenen Produkte. Johannes Nagl ist CTO und seit Jahren bei den Socialisten. Er hat den Wandel der Agentur live miterlebt und mitgestaltet.

Johannes Nagl

May 18, 2016

More Decks by Johannes Nagl

Other Decks in How-to & DIY


  1. @jollife 2000 - ongoing: Web Developer 2011 - ongoing: Die

    Socialisten / CTO Moralapostel Traumzerstörer Optimist Team-Lead von 4+4 Devs #AMA
  2. We ♥ to design and build software for the social

    web! "Die Socialisten" is a Vienna-based social software company focusing on the design & implementation of apps and marketing solutions on social web platforms like Facebook, Twitter & beyond. Our products include solutions for social media management, social media aggregation & hashtag campaigns and realtime chat. tl;dr: We provide Software as a Service tools for the social web.
  3. Arnold says: Trust yourself Who do you want to be?

    Not what, but who. What makes you happy?
  4. Arnold says: Don’t be afraid to fail You can’t always

    win, but don’t be afraid of making decisions. You keep pushing because you believe in your vision. Success will come.
  5. Arnold says: Don’t listen to the Naysayers (@askjollife) Yes, you

    can. There are two types of people in the world, ones that say they can and others who say they can't. Both are usually right.
  6. Arnold says: Work like hell No pain no gain. Someone

    out there at the same time is working hard. If you want to win, there’s absolutely no way around hard, hard work.
  7. Arnold’s Hint None of these rules will work unless you

    do. You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.
  8. Six rules of success 1. Trust yourself 2. Break the

    rules 3. Don’t be afraid to fail 4. Ignore the Naysayers 5. Work like hell 6. Give something back
  9. Credits 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyhOmBPtGNM (Kurzfassung) 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TEc_qyKQ0c (Full speech) 3. Barack

    Obama: http://de.webfail.at/image/bewahre-immer-ein-stueck-menschlichkeit-barack-obama- win-bild.html 4. Elon Musk: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFXLevtiA6a/ 5. Jon Snow: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFcNvOUqDjx/ 6. Arbeiter am Abgrund: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFdeJxlMf36/ 7. Autos ohne Ende: https://www.instagram.com/p/BFbT_z9R73X/ 8. Anne Hathaway: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/242490761162266640 9. Fliegendes Kind: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jakerome/73608993/in/faves-8563263@N07/ 10. Spoiler alert: http://funnyand.com/spoiler-alert/