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Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine

Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine

Originally presented at Engine Summit - The online ExpressionEngine Summit March, 30th 2010 I tackled the popular topic of how to handle Multi-Language websites in ExpressionEngine

John Henry Donovan

March 30, 2010

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  1. Originally presented at Engine Summit - The online ExpressionEngine Summit

    March, 30th 2010 by John Henry Donovan Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine
  2. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 2 Introduction John Henry tackles this popular topic of multi-language websites developed in ExpressionEngine. He discusses the practicalities of client profiling and technical approaches. He shows what is possible out of the box and how to extend functionality using some of the popular add-ons available. Each approach and technique will hopefully deliver a wealth of ideas and tips that should give you a head start when building your first multi-lingual website in ExpressionEngine.
  3. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 3 Profiling • • What does your client want from a multi-language website? • • Who will be updating the website? • • Do they need the ability to add more languages? • • What type of domain are we working with? • • What type of multi-language website is needed? Client Ability and needs
  4. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 4 Profiling Deciding on the type of website is a very simple step which is often forgotten when developing a multi-language website. There are in fact 2 different types of websites you can choose from. Versions Multiple translated versions Translations 1 version and multiple translations Type of website
  5. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 5 images system themes en es fr Technical Approach http://www.domain.com/es/index.php/template_group/template/ http://www.domain.com/en/index.php/template_group/template/ http://www.domain.com/fr/index.php/template_group/template/ Domain, Segments & Folders
  6. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 6 Technical Approach es index.php path.php $site_url = “http://www.domain.com/es/”; $site_index = “”; $site_404 = “”; $global_vars = array( “country_code” => “es”, “language” => “spanish” ); // This array must be associative Global Variables & path.php
  7. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 7 Technical Approach Templates Tags {exp:weblog:entries weblog=”{master_weblog}”} <h2 class=”title”>{if country_code != “en”}{{country_code}_title} {if:else}{title}{/if}</h2> {{country_code}_summary} {{country_code}_body} {/exp:weblog:entries} Add the country code to all of your custom fields en_body, es_body etc.
  8. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 8 Technical Approach .htaccess # rewrite rules RewriteEngine On # ditch index.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /es/index.php/$1 [L] es index.php path.php .htaccess http://expressionengine.com/wiki/Remove_index.php_From_URLs/
  9. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 9 Structure (Third Party Add-on) Structure is a different way to build ExpressionEngine sites. It forgoes the current template_group/template setup and creates‘static’ and ‘listing’ pages that are all editable through a tree sitemap view. http://buildwithstructure.com/ “
  10. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 10 Structure (Third Party Add-on) Alternative Languages Setup
  11. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 11 Structure Tab Settings Structure (Third Party Add-on) http://www.mydomain.com/es/index.php http://www.mydomain.com/es/about/
  12. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 12 Structure (Third Party Add-on) {if segment_1 ‘es’ OR segment_1 ‘fr’} {!-- START FROM SEGMENT 2 IF NOT DEFAULT LANGUAGE --} {exp:structure:nav_sub start_from=’/{segment_1}/{segment_2}’} {if:else} {!-- START FROM SEGMENT 1 IF DEFAULT LANGUAGE --} {exp:structure:nav_sub start_from=’/{segment_1}’} {/if} Example nav_sub code
  13. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 13 LG Multi Language Pro (Third Party Add-on) Developed by Leevi Graham of Newism Web design & Development. The add-on bundle was commissioned by myself to suit a particular client’s needs and workflow. It will hopefully be released back into the community by Leevi. http://newism.com.au/ • • Based on member group, hide unnecessary custom fields • • Needed a way of showing the status of a translation • • A phrase translator with separate plugin Background & Design Brief
  14. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 14 LG Multi Language Pro (Third Party Add-on) Extension & Member Settings
  15. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 15 LG Multi Language Pro (Third Party Add-on) Custom Fields & Phrase Translator
  16. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 16 LG Multi Language Pro (Third Party Add-on) Publish & Edit
  17. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 17 LG Multi Language Pro (Third Party Add-on) Code Examples {exp:lg_mlp:translate key=”phrase_key_1”} {exp:weblog:entries weblog=”{weblog_name}” limit=”1”} <h1>{if lg_lang == “en” || {lg_lang}_title ==’’}{title} {if:else}{{lg_lang}_title}{/if}</h1> {if {lg_lang}_body ==’’} {en_body} {if:else} {{lg_lang}_body} {/if} {/exp:weblog:entries}
  18. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 18 LG Multi Language Pro (Third Party Add-on) Structure Mashup
  19. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 19 Localisation Google Maps <script src=”http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=A BQIAAAAOVcwajvU2DiR3d7wTOAC9RQz9Es_Zr-eU6lD2TDm4seUBz8DBBTcpZXs91l DdbygrzYt7dFVZ_-4Tw&amp;hl={country_code};” type=”text/javascript”></script> http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/#Localization
  20. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 20 Localisation jQuery UI <script type=”text/javascript” src=”/inc/scripts/i18n/ ui.datepicker-{country_code}.js”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> $(function() { $(“#dob”).datepicker($.datepicker.regional[‘{country_code}’]); }); </script>
  21. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 21 ExpressionEngine 2.0 and beyond New publish layout feature is a translation gift in disguise! Member Groups & Fields
  22. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 22 ExpressionEngine 2.0 and beyond New publish layout feature is a translation gift in disguise! Publish Layout & Tabs
  23. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 23 ExpressionEngine 2.0 and beyond New publish layout feature is a translation gift in disguise! Seperating Fields
  24. Multi-Language Websites in ExpressionEngine by John Henry Donovan 2010 -

    @johnhenry_ie PAGE 24 Resources Add-ons http://buildwithstructure.com/ http://expressionengine.com/wiki/Multi_language_site/ http://expressionengine.com/wiki/multi-lingual_site_-_an_easy_alternative/ http://expressionengine.com/wiki/Multi_language_site_alternative/ http://www.putyourlightson.net/projects/multi_language http://publicdownloads.biberltd.com/ee_extensions/ext.bbr_langswitch.zip http://leevigraham.com/cms-customisation/expressionengine/lg-multi-language/ Wiki Articles