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Bending the ExpressionEngine Control Panel

Bending the ExpressionEngine Control Panel

Often we have an opportunity to spend more time customising the client’s ExpressionEngine control panel experience. At EEUK13 I walked through examples on how to make the largely underused ExpressionEngine Dashboard a useful stop for your clients, using available add-ons and creating custom widgets for others. I also went through case studies on various other customisations created specifically for clients in the control panel.

Presented at EEUK2013 17th of May, 2013 http://eeuk.org/

Resources available here http://johnhenry.ie/articles/bending-the-expressionengine-control-panel

John Henry Donovan

May 17, 2013

More Decks by John Henry Donovan

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  1. ‣ Client Aftercare ‣ Documentation ‣ Training ‣ A Post

    Launch Review ‣ Adding instructions to your EE fields ‣ Adding 404s, optimising performance, browser testing ‣ Adding something that you know will help the client in the future ‣ Providing the client with useful data and info The Extra Mile
  2. “We spend as much time creating a customised user experience

    on the front-end as we do the back- end of your website.”
  3. Republic cp theme simple and clean, responsive theme with high

    resolution and custom made icons http://dvt.ee/repthme Republic FACTORY
  4. SASSY-CP THEME Built on the sass css preprocessor. extends the

    default theme, cleans some rough edges and improves user experience. http://dvt.ee/adIcOnr kyle cotter
  5. nerdery THEME removes all pink, reduces the rounded corners and

    cleans up some general alignment/padding/margin issues. http://dvt.ee/nerdcp brian litzinger
  6. NSM Override css Adds consistency, improved contrast and great user

    experience. 10 different colour themes http://dvt.ee/adKp6CG leevi graham
  7. responsive cp makes the control panel work better on mobile

    devices and also allows you to add your logo to footer of cp http://dvt.ee/adFoOtJ ben croker
  8. CP ANALYTICS Display your GOOGLE ANALYTICS Statistics in the control

    panel using an accessory tab, widescreen homepage line chart and dashEE widget http://dvt.ee/adrLHya derek hogue
  9. republic ANALYTICS Display google analytics charts and the stats right

    in the control panel http://dvt.ee/adzhL3O republic labs
  10. ZOO flexible admin Lets you fully customise the control panel

    per member group. Create more intuitive menus http://dvt.ee/flxadmn Expressionengine zoo
  11. STRUCTURE Lets you create pages, generate navigation and manage content

    through a simple interface. http://dvt.ee/ad07TrP Travis Schmeisser & Jack mcDade
  12. REpublic STRUCTURE tweaks Some tweaks for structure to make it

    better without messing with it. http://dvt.ee/structtwk republic FACTORY
  13. ZENBU VERY powerful entry list manager and replaces EE’s EDIT

    CHannel entries. Searching and filtering options http://dvt.ee/zenbu NICOLAS BOTTARI
  14. SUPERFISH EE CONTROL PANEL Adds superfish hover intent to the

    ee cONTROL panel http://dvt.ee/sprfsh JOEL BIRCH
  15. A document presenting the most significant information about a subject

    on a single page - Collins English Dictionary http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/dashboard
  16. A document presenting the most significant information about a subject

    on a single page - Collins English Dictionary http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/dashboard
  17. DASHEE SETTINGS Use a different layout for different member groups.

    Lock layout functionality to stop users editing widgets or moving widget layout
  18. dashee DEFAULT WIDGETS ‣ Blank Widget – empty widget whose

    title and content can be configured using widgets settings ‣ EE Create Links – create links as seen on default EE CP home ‣ RSS Feed Reader – configurable to read any valid RSS feed ‣ EE Modify Links – modify links as seen on default EE CP home ‣ New Members – shows 10 most recent EE website members ‣ Recent Entries – shows 10 most recent EE entries ‣ EE View Links – view links as seen on default EE CP Home ‣ dashEE Welcome – welcome widget with links to further resources
  19. Creating a simple widget Create a new widget file called

    wgt.simple_widget.php Place in /expressionengine/third_party/dashee/widgets/
  20. Creating a simple widget Create a class called Wgt_simple_widget in

    your file. Each widget must have at least a title variable and a function called index
  21. Creating a simple widget Set the title variable to what

    you wish the title of your widget to display and return the text you want displayed in the content area.
  22. CUSTOM ENTRIES Displays a customised listing of channel entries. Allows

    you to choose Widget title, Channel ID, # of entries to show and whether to show comment totals. https://github.com/john-henry/dashEE-Custom-Entries-Widget
  23. shows list of pending members and their join date. Clicking

    member’s name throws a lightbox which shows registration info for review PENDING MEMBERS
  24. ALSO shows list of pending members and the date they

    started filling in an application form. Progress of form is shown with a percentage and option to email applicants via the communicate tool APPLICANTS
  25. shows recent replies in the ee discussion forum with text,

    date and link to replies recent discussions
  26. shows ee discussion module forums with total topics, topics per

    day, total posts and posts per day discussion statistics
  27. shows results for poll add-on from eeharbor with original options.

    Has setting to choose poll id poll results
  28. connects with fluidsurveys api and pulls in recent surveys with

    responses and links to csv and online reports surveys
  29. shows total members, members per group and quick registration stats

    for 24hrs, 7 days and 30 days member stats
  30. ‣ The extra mile ‣ don’t sell the technology ‣

    provide wiggle room for sense-making ‣ a dashboard is not just for one particular person or group of people. ‣ Expressionengine actually has the advantage in dashboards ‣ widgets are addictive TAKE AWAYS