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Introduction to CodeIgniter

Introduction to CodeIgniter

for C4Labs


June 14, 2012

More Decks by johnroyer

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 重複的程式碼 $user = trim( mysql_escape_string($_POST[‘user’] ) mysql_escape_string($_POST[‘user’] ) ); $pwd

    = trim( mysql_escape_string($_POST[‘pwd’] ) mysql_escape_string($_POST[‘pwd’] ) ); 5
  2. 架構 $ tree • • ├── html ├── lib ├──

    upload ├── config.php.sample ├── ├── global.php └── index.php 7
  3. 22

  4. 23

  5. 24

  6. CodeIgniter 簡介 Installation Structure Structure Configuration URLs Controller / Model

    / View Controller / Model / View Built-in Functions Sparks 32
  7. 34

  8. Structure ─── application ├── config ├── config ├── controllers ├──

    models ├── views ├── ........ ├── ........ ├── system └── index.php 37
  9. Structure ─── application 網站程式所在位置 ├── config ├── config ├── controllers

    ├── models ├── views ├── ........ ├── ........ ├── system └── index.php 38
  10. Structure ─── application ├── config ├── config ├── controllers ├──

    models ├── views ├── ........ ├── ........ ├── system CodeIgniter 核心 └── index.php 39
  11. URLs class Post extends CI_Controller { class Post extends CI_Controller

    { public function show($id){ // Get post information } } } 46
  12. Your Own Controller controller/hello.php class Hello extends CI_Controller { class

    Hello extends CI_Controller { public function greeting($id){ echo “Hello $id”; } } } 50
  13. Your Own Controller controller/hello.php class Hello extends CI_Controller { class

    Hello extends CI_Controller { public function greeting($id){ echo “Hello $id”; } } } Print ‘Hello C4Labs’ : index.php/hello/greeting/C4Labs 51
  14. Your Own Controller Deny method from URL access class Hello

    extends CI_Controller { public function _greeting($id){ echo “Hello $id”; echo “Hello $id”; } } 52 Underline
  15. Model Process data in database class User extends CI_Model{ function

    getUser($uid) { ... } function deleteUser($uid) { ... } function deleteUser($uid) { ... } } 59
  16. Using Sparks $ php tools/spark search redis menu - The

    Menu library is used to .... menu - The Menu library is used to .... redis - A CodeIgniter library to .... $ php tools/spark install redis Retrieving spark detail from getsparks.org ........ Spark installed to ./sparks/redis/0.3.0 - You're on fire! 67