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(System) Engineering Challenges of the ALMA Wid...

(System) Engineering Challenges of the ALMA Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade (WSU)

Slides used for the Webinar 15 of INCOSE Latam (Youtube, talk in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGJTAEhHRgY). They describe the current ALMA system, the need for an upgrade in its sensitivity and receiver and digital systems, and how that impacts the computational needs and systems engineering activitites.

Juande Santander-Vela

January 21, 2025

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  1. (System) Engineering Challenges of the ALMA Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade Juande

    Santander-Vela JAO Development Systems Engineer INCOSE LatAm — 2025-01-21
  2. Who am I? • Juande Santander-Vela • Electronics Engineer, Software

    Developer, Software Analyst Background • 2009: Ph.D. in 2009 on bringing radio astronomy data into the Virtual Observatory (UGR, IAA-CSIC) • 2009-2011: Applied Scientist (ESO) • 2011: ALMA Query Interface Developer (ESO) • 2012-2013: WfEver Scientist, VIA-SKA Project Manager (IAA-CSIC) • 2014-2018: System Engineer TM, SDP (SKA Organisation) • 2018-2019: Project Scientist/Engineer (MINECON, Chile) • 2019-2022: Head of Software Development (SKAO) • 2022-: Development Systems Engineer (JAO) 15+ years working in the intersection of software and instrument engineering INCOSE UK Member 2017-2018 INCOSE LatAm Member since 2022
  3. What is ALMA? T he Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)

    is an international radio telescope built in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. ALMA is situated on a dry site at 5000 m elevation, allowing excellent atmospheric transmission over the instrument wavelength range of 0.3 to 10 mm. ALMA will consist of two arrays of high-precision antennas. One, of up to 64 12-m diameter antennas, is reconfigurable in multiple patterns ranging in size from 150 meters up to ∼15 km. A second array is comprised of a set of four 12-m and twelve 7-m antennas operating in one of two closely packed configurations ∼50 m in diameter. The instrument will provide both interferometric and total-power astronomical information on atomic, molecular and ionized gas and dust in the solar system, our Galaxy, and the nearby to high-redshift universe. In this paper we outline the scientific drivers, technical challenges and planned progress of ALMA.
  4. What is ALMA? T he Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)

    is an international radio telescope built in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. ALMA is situated on a dry site at 5000 m elevation, allowing excellent atmospheric transmission over the instrument wavelength range of 0.3 to 10 mm. ALMA will consist of two arrays of high-precision antennas. One, of up to 64 12-m diameter antennas, is reconfigurable in multiple patterns ranging in size from 150 meters up to ∼15 km. A second array is comprised of a set of four 12-m and twelve 7-m antennas operating in one of two closely packed configurations ∼50 m in diameter. The instrument will provide both interferometric and total-power astronomical information on atomic, molecular and ionized gas and dust in the solar system, our Galaxy, and the nearby to high-redshift universe. In this paper we outline the scientific drivers, technical challenges and planned progress of ALMA. PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE 2 The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Alwyn Wootten and A. Richard Thompson, Life Fellow IEEE Abstract —The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is an international radio telescope under construction in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. ALMA is situated on a dry site at 5000 m elevation, allowing excellent atmospheric transmission over the instrument wavelength range of 0.3 to 10 mm. ALMA will consist of two arrays of high-precision antennas. One, of up to 64 12-m diameter antennas, is reconfigurable in multiple patterns ranging in size from 150 meters up to ⇠15 km. A second array is comprised of a set of four 12-m and twelve 7-m antennas operating in one of two closely packed configurations ⇠50 m in diameter. The instrument will provide both interferometric and total-power astronomical information on atomic, molecular and ionized gas and dust in the solar system, our Galaxy, and the nearby to high-redshift universe. In this paper we outline the scientific drivers, technical challenges and planned progress of ALMA. Index Terms —Antennas, Radio astronomy, millimeter astron- omy, submillimeter astronomy I. INTRODUCTION In the total electromagnetic spectrum of the Universe, there are three major peaks. One, the biggest, is the peak from the 3 K blackbody radiation relic of the Big Bang. That peak occurs in the millimeter wavelength range of the spectrum, as expected for any black body radiating at such a low temperature. The third strongest peak occurs near one 1 micron (1 µm) wavelength: this contains the accumulated light from all of the stars and planets in the Universe. The second strongest occurs at about 1.5 THz or 200 microns wavelength. Light near this wavelength cannot penetrate the atmosphere, as it is absorbed by water and other molecules in the atmosphere: this peak was identified only recently through satellite observations. This spectral feature represents all of the cool (⇠200 K) objects in the Universe, that is, clouds of dust and gas as well as radiation from warmer sources that is absorbed and reradiated. Alas, with a satellite one is limited as to the size of telescope one can observe with and hence the resolution obtained. Current spacecraft apertures are far too small to give good images of what produces this second peak. A. Wootten and A. R. Thompson are with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 USA e- mail: ([email protected], [email protected]). Manuscript last draft March 26, 2009. ALMA1, with excellent sensitivity and resolution at a high dry location will allow sensitive imaging in the range 31-950 GHz (wavelength range of approximately 1 cm to 300 µm). Thus ALMA will observe within the wavelength regimes of the strongest two radiation peaks, to the extent that Earth’s atmosphere allows. ALMA consists of two parts. There is an array of 12 m diameter antennas, the scientific requirement for 64 of which will ensure full realization of the scientific goals set forth in the Bilateral Agreement; contracts in place will provide at least 50 antennas. For this array baselines extend from 15 m to ⇠15 km. We refer to this antenna complement as the “12-m array”. There is also the Alma Compact Array (ACA) which consists of four 12 m antennas plus twelve 7 m antennas [1]. The smaller diameter of the 7 m antennas allows a minimum antenna spacing of 8.75 m. A summary of ALMA specifications can be found in Table I. TABLE I SUMMARY OF ALMA SPECIFICATIONS Parameter 12m Spec 7m Spec Number of Antennas up to 68 12 Antenna Diameter 12 m 7 m Antenna primary focal ratio (f/D)a 0.4 0.37 Geometrical Blockage <3% <5% Antenna Surface Precision < 25 µm rms < 20 µm rms Antenna Pointing Accuracy < 0.”6 rms < 0.”6 rms Total Collecting Area 6600-7700 m2 462 m2 Antenna primary beam 17” x b (mm) 30” x (mm) Max (finest) Angular Resolution 0.015” x (mm) 5” x (mm) Configuration Extent 150 m to 14 km 41 m Correlator Bandwidth 16 GHz per baseline same Spectral Channels 4096 per IF same Number of 2 GHz-wide IFs 8 same af indicates focal length, D indicates primary diameter. b indicates wave- length. ALMA has three primary science goals, defined in the Bilateral Agreement by which the observatory was founded (for a history of ALMA, see [2]; for a compendium of science, see [3] and [4]). The first of these goals is to detect emission from the CO molecule or C+ ion towards a galaxy of Milky Way luminosity at a redshift of 3 (see discussion in [5]) in less than 24 hours integration. Although CO and C+ lines 1The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), an inter- national astronomy facility, is a partnership of Europe, Japan and North America in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA is funded in Europe by the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, in Japan by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) in cooperation with the Academia Sinica in Taiwan and in North America by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC). ALMA construction and operations are led on behalf of Europe by ESO, on behalf of Japan by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and on behalf of North America by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), which is managed by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI).
  5. What is ALMA? • International radio telescope: partnership of ESO,

    NAOJ, NRAO, with NRC, NINS, and Taiwan • Atacama Desert, Chajnantor plateau at 5000 m elevation • Wavelength range of 0.3 to 10 mm. • Two main arrays: • Main array: • up to fifty 12-m diameter antennas • reconfigur able in multiple patterns • from 150 meters up to ∼15 km • Compact array: • Four 12-m Total Power • Twelve 7-m antennas in two closely packed configurati ons ∼50 m in diameter. • Observations: both interferometric and total-power • Science: atomic, molecular and ionized gas and dust in the solar system, our Galaxy, and the nearby to high- redshift universe.
  6. AOS (High-site) Fact sheet • ALMA antennas at 5000 m

    • ALMA staff obliged to wear oxygen outside • Oxygenated building • Location of correlators OSF (Base Camp) Fact sheet • OSF is at 2900 m • Staff sleep here • Astronomers work here • Night-time observing only, with daytime observations in Santiago Santiago ALMA operation sites
  7. to the atmospheric transmission windows. These windows and the tuning

    ranges are outlined in Figure 4.1. This illustrates the broad, deep absorption features, mostly due to H2 O in the lower few km of the atmosphere, as well as some O2 transitions. The many narrow features seen in this plot are mostly from stratospheric O3 , along with some transitions of CO and other trace species. In Cycle 9, Bands 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are available, and the basic characteristics of the bands are outlined in Table 4.1. Each of the ALMA receiver bands is described in more detail in the following sections as well as in the references listed in Table 4.2. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Frequency (GHz) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Transmission (%) Transmission in All ALMA Bands at Zenith 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ALMA Bands and Transmission
  8. CHAPTER 2. ARRAY COMPONENTS P Array is usually connected to

    the ACA Correlator, but its antennas can also be connected to the orrelator and used for cross-correlation. The ALMA Cycle 9 Proposer’s Guide describes the observing capabilities offered for the TP Array for each cycle. the poorer point-source sensitivity of the 7-m Array, during Cycle 9 Operations, the TP Array may the calibration observations of the 7-m Array. The Morita Array - In remembrance of Professor Koh-Ichiro Morita. Koh-ichiro Morita, a professor OJ Chile Observatory, was one of the world’s renowned scientists in the field of aperture synthesis. a great contribution to designing the configuration of 16 antennas composing the Atacama Com- (ACA) manufactured by Japan, as well as to realizing high-resolution and high-quality imaging at /submillimeter wavelengths to further enhance the performance of ALMA. The picture above shows Koh-Ichiro Morita taken at his office in the Joint ALMA Observatory in 2011 September. Atacama Compact Array (ACA), a.k.a. the Morita Array Credit: Clem & Adri Bacri-Normier (wingsforscience.com)/ESO
  9. Fomalhaut Fomalhaut is the brightest star in the constellation and

    one of the brightest stars known to have an orbiting planet. It lies about 25 light-years from the Earth and is surrounded by a huge disc of dust. This is a super-imposed ALMA partial image of the ring (in orange) over an earlier image obtained by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
  10. M87 Black Hole with Polarization First time that astronomers were

    able to measure polarization so close to the edge of a black hole. Credit: EHT Collaboration
  11. Milky Way Black Hole This, and the previous M87 image,

    were done with ALMA as part of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration. The Sag* black hole, being smaller, is much more dynamic than M87’s black hole, and it was therefore much more difficult to image. Credit: EHT Collaboration
  12. The importance of ALMA (and APEX) in the Event Horizon

    Telescope Credit: EHT Collaboration
  13. HL Tauri ALMA image of the young star HL Tau

    and its protoplanetary disk. This best image ever of planet formation reveals multiple rings and gaps that herald the presence of emerging planets as they sweep their orbits clear of dust and gas. It has been cited now more than 1000 times. Credit: ALMA(ESO/ NAOJ/NRAO); C. Brogan, B. Saxton (NRAO/AUI/NSF)
  14. Context: Facilities in the next decade Or where does ALMA

    sit with other large-scale astronomical facilities
  15. Context: Facilities in the next decade • Many wonderful new

    facilities coming online over the next decade • Share many of the same science themes as ALMA • origins of galaxies • origins of stars • origins of planets • Only one ALMA! • premier telescope for sensitive, high-angular resolution submillimeter observations • a replacement for ALMA is not on the horizon, so we must continuously enhance its capabilities ALMA TMT 30 meter ESO 39 meter JWST Nancy Grace Roman Telescope ngVLA GMT 25 meter Vera Rubin Telescope
  16. Context: Facilities in the next decade • Many wonderful new

    facilities coming online over the next decade • Share many of the same science themes as ALMA • origins of galaxies • origins of stars • origins of planets • Only one ALMA! • premier telescope for sensitive, high-angular resolution submillimeter observations • a replacement for ALMA is not on the horizon, so we must continuously enhance its capabilities ALMA TMT 30 meter ESO 39 meter JWST Nancy Grace Roman Telescope ngVLA GMT 25 meter Vera Rubin Telescope Need for a cohesive ALMA roadmap with a vision that keeps ALMA relevant
  17. ALMA 2030 Roadmap Process THE ALMA DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP J. Carpenter,

    D. Iono, L. Testi, N. Whyborn, A. Wootten, N. Evans (The ALMA Development Working Group) Approved by the Board by written procedure pursuant Art. 11 of the Board’s Rules of Procedure 2018
  18. ALMA2030 Development Priorities Receiver bandwidth Angular resolution Science archive Collecting

    area Widefield mapping Expand bandwidth by at least a factor of two Optimize archive science Extend baselines by a factor of 2-3 Develop science cases for increasing the number of 12-m antennas Study science case and technical feasibility of focal plane arrays Top Priority
  19. New Fundamental Science Drivers • Origins of Galaxies: Trace the

    cosmic evolution of key elements from the first galaxies (z>10) through the peak of star formation (z=2–4) by detecting their cooling lines, both atomic ([CII], [OIII]) and molecular (CO), and dust continuum, at a rate of 1-2 galaxies per hour. • Origins of Chemical Complexity: Trace the evolution from simple to complex organic molecules through the process of star and planet formation down to solar system scales (~10-100 au) by performing full-band frequency scans at a rate of 2-4 protostars per day. • Origins of Planets: Image protoplanetary disks in nearby (150 pc) star formation regions to resolve the Earth forming zone (~ 1 au) in the dust continuum at wavelengths shorter than 1mm, enabling detection of the tidal gaps and inner holes created by planets undergoing formation.
  20. New Fundamental Science Drivers • Origins of Galaxies: Trace the

    cosmic evolution of key elements from the first galaxies (z>10) through the peak of star formation (z=2–4) by detecting their cooling lines, both atomic ([CII], [OIII]) and molecular (CO), and dust continuum, at a rate of 1-2 galaxies per hour. • Origins of Chemical Complexity: Trace the evolution from simple to complex organic molecules through the process of star and planet formation down to solar system scales (~10-100 au) by performing full-band frequency scans at a rate of 2-4 protostars per day. • Origins of Planets: Image protoplanetary disks in nearby (150 pc) star formation regions to resolve the Earth forming zone (~ 1 au) in the dust continuum at wavelengths shorter than 1mm, enabling detection of the tidal gaps and inner holes created by planets undergoing formation. The original science goals of ALMA were considered achieved in 2019!
  21. Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade (WSU): Top Priority of the ALMA 2030

    Roadmap • Upgrade of the bandwidth and throughput of the ALMA system • upgraded receivers with increased bandwidth and improved receiver temperatures • more powerful correlator • increased data reduction capacity Correlator Archives Data processing Astronomers Antennas Receivers Back end Upgrade!
  22. IF Switches & Anti-aliasing filters Digitizers & Digital Signal Processing

    Data Transmission System Antenna New or upgraded components are in blue Back End Front End Receivers The Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade
  23. Array Operations Site (AOS) at 5000m Existing Antenna to AOS

    Fibers IF Switches & Anti-aliasing filters Digitizers & Digital Signal Processing Data Transmission System Antenna New or upgraded components are in blue Back End Front End Receivers The Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade
  24. Array Operations Site (AOS) at 5000m Operations Support Facility (OSF)

    at 3000m Existing Antenna to AOS Fibers IF Switches & Anti-aliasing filters Digitizers & Digital Signal Processing Data Transmission System Antenna New or upgraded components are in blue Back End Front End Receivers New fiber The Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade
  25. Array Operations Site (AOS) at 5000m Operations Support Facility (OSF)

    at 3000m Existing Antenna to AOS Fibers IF Switches & Anti-aliasing filters Digitizers & Digital Signal Processing Data Transmission System Antenna New or upgraded components are in blue CONTROL, TelCal, Scheduling, OT, Archive, Pipeline Back End Front End Receivers New fiber 2nd Generation Correlator & Upgraded ACAS in new OSF Correlator Room The Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade
  26. Working groups created using ALMA-wide expertise to focus on the

    next step definition. The WSU program planning and implementation phases
  27. Working groups created using ALMA-wide expertise to focus on the

    next step definition. The WSU program planning and implementation phases 1 THE ALMA DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP J. Carpenter, D. Iono, L. Testi, N. Whyborn, A. Wootten, N. Evans (The ALMA Development Working Group) Approved by the Board by written procedure pursuant Art. 11 of the Board’s Rules of Procedure
  28. Working groups created using ALMA-wide expertise to focus on the

    next step definition. We’re here! The WSU program planning and implementation phases 1 THE ALMA DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP J. Carpenter, D. Iono, L. Testi, N. Whyborn, A. Wootten, N. Evans (The ALMA Development Working Group) Approved by the Board by written procedure pursuant Art. 11 of the Board’s Rules of Procedure
  29. Working groups created using ALMA-wide expertise to focus on the

    next step definition. We’re here! It’s a collection of projects The WSU program planning and implementation phases → program 1 THE ALMA DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP J. Carpenter, D. Iono, L. Testi, N. Whyborn, A. Wootten, N. Evans (The ALMA Development Working Group) Approved by the Board by written procedure pursuant Art. 11 of the Board’s Rules of Procedure
  30. Lots of work so far • Input from the WGs

    started in 2019: • Signal Chain WG • Front End/Digitizer • Second Generation Correlator • Initial CoSDD release and internal review Q2 2022. • System Requirements Review in Q4 2022 • Input from additional ICT/ ISOpT WGs in 2023 • Data Processing, Distribution, and Access • Data Acquisition • Followed by even more WGs…
  31. • Second generation ICT/ISOpT WGs: • Array Calibration & Science

    Observing Strategies (ACSOS) • Data Model (DM) • Data Processing (DP) • Data Transfer and Archive Storage (DTAS) • User Interfaces to the Data (UID) • ISOpT WGs: • Spurious Signals • IST WGs: • Data Rates Ramp-Up Plan (DRRUP) • IET/ICT/IST/ISOpT: • Deployment Concept Lots of work so far (cont.)
  32. • Second generation ICT/ISOpT WGs: • Array Calibration & Science

    Observing Strategies (ACSOS) • Data Model (DM) • Data Processing (DP) • Data Transfer and Archive Storage (DTAS) • User Interfaces to the Data (UID) • ISOpT WGs: • Spurious Signals • IST WGs: • Data Rates Ramp-Up Plan (DRRUP) • IET/ICT/IST/ISOpT: • Deployment Concept Lots of work so far (cont.) Collected in an updated Conceptual System Design Description (CoSDD) Also input to the ALMA System Technical Requirements
  33. WSU Challenge: Don’t Disturb Science • Main message from ALMA

    Science Advisory Committee: minimize the WSU impact on science. • Current Deployment Concept: Parallel Deployment
  34. Top-Level Notional Timeline: From Today to WSU Operations 2024 2025

    2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Start of Cycle 16 with WSU System WSU Call for Proposals WSU System PDR Delta SRR/Initial Program Plan Rev. Go/ NoGo WSU WSU System CDR
  35. Top-Level Notional Timeline: From Today to WSU Operations 2024 2025

    2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Start of Cycle 16 with WSU System WSU Call for Proposals WSU System PDR Delta SRR/Initial Program Plan Rev. Go/ NoGo WSU WSU System CDR Dev Projects PDRs Dev Projects CDRs
  36. Top-Level Notional Timeline: From Today to WSU Operations 2024 2025

    2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Start of Cycle 16 with WSU System WSU Call for Proposals WSU System PDR Delta SRR/Initial Program Plan Rev. Go/ NoGo WSU WSU System CDR ATAC ready for WSU integration tests OCRO construction Construction of new AOS- OSF fibers Instrumentation starts to arrive at OSF Dev Projects PDRs Dev Projects CDRs Steady retrofitting of WSU antennas #10 - #33, 2 per month Deploy WSU components at OSF in 4 antennas Deploy WSU comp. in 5 ant. @AOS Steady retrofitting of WSU antennas #34 - #66, 3 per month (TBC) Science operations interleaved with WSU commissioning Science observations in separate APE WSU Science Verification & data release (TBC)
  37. Top-Level Notional Timeline: From Today to WSU Operations 2024 2025

    2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Start of Cycle 16 with WSU System WSU Call for Proposals WSU System PDR Delta SRR/Initial Program Plan Rev. Go/ NoGo WSU WSU System CDR ATAC ready for WSU integration tests OCRO construction Construction of new AOS- OSF fibers Instrumentation starts to arrive at OSF Dev Projects PDRs Dev Projects CDRs Steady retrofitting of WSU antennas #10 - #33, 2 per month Deploy WSU components at OSF in 4 antennas Deploy WSU comp. in 5 ant. @AOS Steady retrofitting of WSU antennas #34 - #66, 3 per month (TBC) Science operations interleaved with WSU commissioning Science observations in separate APE WSU Science Verification & data release (TBC) Online software TRR and E2E tests Data Processing Transition Development and Commissioning of SW/ Comp/SciOps deliverables for WSU AIVC Planning of WSU Software / Computing / Sci Ops deliverables Design/ Development/ Deployment/ Commissioning of SW/Comp/SciOps deliverables
  38. 2.6 petabytes La Silla Paranal Observatory 2.0 petabytes ALMA 2.5

    2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year Volume of data (petabytes) ALMA La Silla Paranal Total volume of data stored in the ESO archives: No ALMA upgrades yet!
  39. 2.6 petabytes La Silla Paranal Observatory 2.0 petabytes ALMA 2.5

    2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year Volume of data (petabytes) ALMA La Silla Paranal Total volume of data stored in the ESO archives: Exponential growth
  40. Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade: Overview • Available bandwidth • Correlated bandwidth

    • Observing speed Factor of 2-4 increase in the available IF bandwidth. ALMA 2030 Band 2 Band 6 Band 8 Band 1 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 Band 8 Band 9 Band 10 Available instantaneous bandwidth per polarization (GHz) 0 8 16 24 32 Current receivers (2SB unless noted) Under development / construction Goal 4x upgrade (goal) 2x upgrade Goal DSB DSB
  41. Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade: Overview • Available bandwidth • Correlated bandwidth

    • Observing speed Factor of 2-4 increase in the available IF bandwidth. ALMA 2030 Band 2 Band 6 Band 8 Band 1 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 Band 8 Band 9 Band 10 Available instantaneous bandwidth per polarization (GHz) 0 8 16 24 32 Current receivers (2SB unless noted) Under development / construction Goal 4x upgrade (goal) 2x upgrade Goal DSB DSB Data holdings proportional to bandwidth at the same resolution
  42. Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade: Overview • Available bandwidth • Correlated bandwidth

    • Observing speed Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 Band 8 Band 9 Band 10 Factor increase in correlated bandwidth 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Low spectral resolution High spectral resolution High spectral resolution ~ 0.1 km/s
  43. Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade: Overview • Available bandwidth • Correlated bandwidth

    • Observing speed Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 Band 8 Band 9 Band 10 Factor increase in correlated bandwidth 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Low spectral resolution High spectral resolution High spectral resolution ~ 0.1 km/s Data holdings proportional to the physical resolution at the same bandwidth
  44. Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade: Overview • Available bandwidth • Correlated bandwidth

    • Observing speed Increase in Band 6 observing speed with ALMA 2030 Observing mode Increase in speed over current system* Continuum 4.8x (with goal of 9.6x) Spectral line 2.2-4.7x Increase in observing speed results from • improved receiver temperatures • improved digital efficiency • wider bandwidth (continuum) Spectral scans will see further speed increases due to larger correlated bandwidth. * To reach same sensitivity as current system with single tuning
  45. Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade: Overview • Available bandwidth • Correlated bandwidth

    • Observing speed Increase in Band 6 observing speed with ALMA 2030 Observing mode Increase in speed over current system* Continuum 4.8x (with goal of 9.6x) Spectral line 2.2-4.7x Increase in observing speed results from • improved receiver temperatures • improved digital efficiency • wider bandwidth (continuum) Spectral scans will see further speed increases due to larger correlated bandwidth. * To reach same sensitivity as current system with single tuning Data holdings proportional to the survey speed gains
  46. Big Data Size Storage Access techniques Processing techniques Flow Real

    time Event Processi ng O!ine Data mining Processing level Raw Data Processed Data Statistics Schemata Stuctured Tagging Unstructured Value Files Formats Durability Paralell Access Capabilities Information Extracted Tech Debt Big Data Dimensions
  47. Big Data Size Storage Access techniques Processing techniques Flow Real

    time Event Processi ng O!ine Data mining Processing level Raw Data Processed Data Statistics Schemata Stuctured Tagging Unstructured Value Files Formats Durability Paralell Access Capabilities Information Extracted Tech Debt Big Data Dimensions Changed/ pushed by WSU
  48. WSU — Data Volume Table 11. Overview of Data Volume

    Properties for WSU Early WSU Later WSU 12m 7m both 12m 7m both Visibility Data Volume (Total) Median (TB) 0.155 0.004 0.061 0.366 0.008 0.153 Time Weighted Average (TB) 3.170 0.178 1.876 7.427 0.378 4.379 Maximum (TB) 88.656 3.283 88.656 177.312 6.565 177.312 Total per cycle (PB) 2.067 0.036 2.103 4.815 0.077 4.892 Visibility Data Volume (Science) Median (TB) 0.101 0.002 0.038 0.254 0.005 0.092 Time Weighted Average (TB) 2.367 0.128 1.399 5.439 0.268 3.203 Maximum (TB) 73.900 2.428 73.900 147.800 4.857 147.800 Total per cycle (PB) 1.530 0.025 1.555 3.500 0.053 3.553 Product Size (Total) Median (TB) 0.052 0.001 0.016 0.127 0.003 0.038 Time Weighted Average (TB) 5.376 0.058 3.076 11.525 0.119 6.592 Maximum (TB) 563.690 0.829 563.690 1127.379 1.658 1127.379 Total per cycle (PB) 5.891 0.031 5.922 12.643 0.064 12.707
  49. 2.6 petabytes La Silla Paranal Observatory 2.0 petabytes ALMA 2.5

    2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year Volume of data (petabytes) ALMA La Silla Paranal Total volume of data stored in the ESO archives: 11. Overview of Data Volume Properties for WSU Early WSU Later WSU 12m 7m both 12m 7m both dian (TB) 0.155 0.004 0.061 0.366 0.008 0.153 me Weighted rage (TB) 3.170 0.178 1.876 7.427 0.378 4.379 ximum (TB) 88.656 3.283 88.656 177.312 6.565 177.312 al per cycle (PB) 2.067 0.036 2.103 4.815 0.077 4.892 dian (TB) 0.101 0.002 0.038 0.254 0.005 0.092 me Weighted rage (TB) 2.367 0.128 1.399 5.439 0.268 3.203 ximum (TB) 73.900 2.428 73.900 147.800 4.857 147.800 al per cycle (PB) 1.530 0.025 1.555 3.500 0.053 3.553 dian (TB) 0.052 0.001 0.016 0.127 0.003 0.038 me Weighted rage (TB) 5.376 0.058 3.076 11.525 0.119 6.592 ximum (TB) 563.690 0.829 563.690 1127.379 1.658 1127.379 al per cycle (PB) 5.891 0.031 5.922 12.643 0.064 12.707 ~0.5 PB ALMA Cycle Early WSU 10x Later WSU 20x
  50. 2.6 petabytes La Silla Paranal Observatory 2.0 petabytes ALMA 2.5

    2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Year Volume of data (petabytes) ALMA La Silla Paranal Total volume of data stored in the ESO archives: 11. Overview of Data Volume Properties for WSU Early WSU Later WSU 12m 7m both 12m 7m both dian (TB) 0.155 0.004 0.061 0.366 0.008 0.153 me Weighted rage (TB) 3.170 0.178 1.876 7.427 0.378 4.379 ximum (TB) 88.656 3.283 88.656 177.312 6.565 177.312 al per cycle (PB) 2.067 0.036 2.103 4.815 0.077 4.892 dian (TB) 0.101 0.002 0.038 0.254 0.005 0.092 me Weighted rage (TB) 2.367 0.128 1.399 5.439 0.268 3.203 ximum (TB) 73.900 2.428 73.900 147.800 4.857 147.800 al per cycle (PB) 1.530 0.025 1.555 3.500 0.053 3.553 dian (TB) 0.052 0.001 0.016 0.127 0.003 0.038 me Weighted rage (TB) 5.376 0.058 3.076 11.525 0.119 6.592 ximum (TB) 563.690 0.829 563.690 1127.379 1.658 1127.379 al per cycle (PB) 5.891 0.031 5.922 12.643 0.064 12.707 ~0.5 PB ALMA Cycle Early WSU 10x Later WSU 20x Very high spread of use cases
  51. ALMA2030 Development Priorities Receiver bandwidth Angular resolution Science archive Collecting

    area Widefield mapping Expand bandwidth by at least a factor of two Optimize archive science Extend baselines by a factor of 2-3 Develop science cases for increasing the number of 12-m antennas Study science case and technical feasibility of focal plane arrays ALMA2030 Development Priorities Receiver bandwidth Angular resolution Science archive Collecting area Widefield mapping Expand bandwidth by at least a factor of two Optimize archive science Extend baselines by a factor of 2-3 Develop science cases for increasing the number of 12-m antennas Study science case and technical feasibility of focal plane arrays
  52. The ALMA 2030 Archive Vision Even more of a computation

    challenge! WORK IN PROGRESS andwidth Angular resolution Science archive Collecting area Widefield mapping Expand bandwidth by at least a factor of two Optimize archive science Extend baselines by a factor of 2-3 Develop science cases for increasing the number of 12-m antennas Study science case and technical feasibility of focal plane arrays
  53. What are the big challenges for the WSU? • Updating

    an existing, successful, working system in place while minimizing impact to current operations. Some tradeoffs: • Same people in operations provide the effort for the development and design effort. • Very distributed community, with lots of fractional FTEs. • Multiple possible places of contention for resources, both human and existing.
  54. What are the big challenges for the WSU? (cont.) •

    Several computing challenges: • Data rates can go way higher, but networking can accommodate them. • However, current data processing system is not scalable to meet the WSU needs: • Scaling through change in architecture, to be shared with other similar radio interferometers (SKAO, ngVLA). • Early WSU (Initial WSU System) can be dealt with with some minor improvements in data processing.
  55. What do those challenges mean for System Engineering? • Need

    for very clear, precise, and well understood set of Interface Control Documents. • Many people responsible for the initial ICDs are no longer available; some nuances might be lost! • It is vital to keep the N² Matrix updated for both the legacy and new WSU system. • Management of details that are assumed from the legacy system to be assumed by new system also very important.
  56. What do those challenges mean for System Engineering? (cont.) •

    Management of Requirements both for legacy and new system also important. • New cloud-based specific requirements management tool implemented, Jama Connect. • Initially only for the system/integration layer, but adopted by almost all teams. • Allows for clear traceability of requirements and compliance. • But software teams are not used to requirements, or other tools outside of Bitbucket, Confluence, and Jira.
  57. What do those challenges mean for System Engineering? (cont.) •

    Few SE resources available: • Prioritize SE work based on risk analysis, and risk removal. • Disseminate system thinking/SE practices across the development teams. • Specially important for SW teams. • Trying to move to MBSE for optimizing resources, but (other than for requirements), not yet started.
  58. What do those challenges mean for System Engineering? (cont.) Risk

    management as a central tool to link System Engineering with Project Management and Stakeholders
  59. T he Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), an international astronomy

    facility, is a partnership of Europe, North America and East Asia in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA is funded in Europe by the European Southern Observatory (ESO), in North America by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in cooperation with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC) and in East Asia by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) of Japan in cooperation with the Academia Sinica (AS) in Taiwan. ALMA construction and operations are led on behalf of Europe by ESO, on behalf of North America by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), which is managed by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) and on behalf of East Asia by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) provides the unified leadership and management of the construction, commissioning and operation of ALMA.