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Passing Out : An Introduction to Passbook

Passing Out : An Introduction to Passbook

Passbook is an open standard developed by Apple which allows users to quickly access scannable barcodes and other information useful for real-world situations from their iOS devices. These situations include scanning boarding passes, redeeming coupons, or showing a membership card among other available actions.

In this presentation we learn what a Passbook pass is made up of, design guidelines for a pass, and how to create a pass from within your own application. We will also touch on how these passes can be updated and what is needed to support a pass from your own server including the creation of passes and how to support push notifications. This session will show how you can interact with Passbook from your server using Ruby and how you can interact with Passbook from your iPhone applications using Passkit.

Jamie Wright

January 17, 2013

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  1. Contents PaSs of a { } pAsS.jSoN iCoN.pNg iCoN@2x.pNg LoGo@2x.pNg

    SiGnAtUrE { } MaNiFeSt.jSoN .PkPaSs ... LoGo.pNg
  2. Resources Passbook Programming Guide: hTtP://bIt.lY/W9d81a Passbook Files: hTtP://bIt.lY/VrEnQp ApPlE DeVeLoPeR

    DoCuMeNtAtIoN WWDC 2012 Sessions: (Introduction to Passbook Parts 1 & 2) hTtPs://dEvElOpEr.aPpLe.cOm/vIdEoS/wWdC/2012/