One workload mix uses less energy and has the same or better performance than the other Therefore there is a possibility of an optimal workload mix that not only reduces energy but holds or increases performance
IaaS Private Cloud Project Used by over 150 companies including IBM, Intel, Cisco... Expanded from 30k lines of code at launch to 600k 400 active developers...
own scheduler 25 “If you want to create your own filter you just need to inherit from BaseHostFilter and implement one method: host_passes. This method should return True if host passes the filter. It takes host_state(describes host) and filter_properties dictionary as the parameters.”
dodgy... honest! •Spend 3 hours in a obscure IRC chatroom in a dark corner of the internet chatting to a guy called Boris in broken English •Also known as the the #openstack-dev forum •To fix a bug with a two year old version of a massively complicated private cloud system. 28
• Putting my custom scheduler in the correct directory caused it to be “loaded” by the Openstack code • However, I had misformed the configuration file. This meant that there was no object reference for this new code. • But the system wouldn’t fail saying “bad config”. Instead if failed saying that the new code was bad. Which of course it wasn’t. • “The problem isn’t over here, it’s over there!” Myself, Derek and two OpenStack dev’s spent a week looking in the wrong place. • Isn’t this called epistemic complexity? 30
•Developing for OpenStack is hard •Lack of documentation •Unhelpful errors •Large and complicated system •But the openstack dev community are very helpful. 32