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Keynote at DevOps Days India 2013

Keynote at DevOps Days India 2013

My keynote on building and growing technical communities.

Sidu Ponnappa

February 10, 2014

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  1. ME Founding moderator: BRUG ! Founding organizer: RubyConf India !

    Founding member: Devcamp India ! Member: Barcamp Bangalore, BangPypers, etc. ! ! !
  2. WHY

  3. These two contribute to the reputation of the community as

    a whole, attempting to answer the question: ! What is this community good at?
  4. Remember, it’s about reputation and value. Hackers that educate. OSS

    contributors. Businesses that contribute money or meet up space. Customers that swear by your technology.
  5. STEP #5 Marketing. Stakeholders don’t always realise how much they

    can benefit from actively participating. ! Help them understand. Bring them into the fold.
  6. STEP #6 Facilitate bartering value. Help members of the ecosystem

    work together. Reputation and transitive trust is critical.
  7. Constantly strive to understand stakeholder problems. Maybe they don’t have

    learning resources. Maybe they can’t hire. Maybe they can’t find customers.